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2007-06-03 - 11.28pm previous entry next entry

Another baby, and a MILLION photos. Seriously.

Soooo ridiculously long since my last entry!

I have no time to update because it's late and I'm indescribably exhausted, but I neeeeed to update here. I'm sure pretty much everyone reads my pregnancy diary, but in case you don't (and for this diary's records!) I just wanted to say here that I am pregnant again! I tested positive the day before yesterday (is it really only that recently?! It feels like a WEEK at least!) and will be a huge 4 weeks pregnant tomorrow! The new baby is called Beanlet, until we know the sex (which we WILL be finding out!) and he/she is due on February 11th 2008 - Granny's 82nd birthday! I'm so excited! But mostly it's surreal. Our chances for pregnancy were LOW, so although I knew it was possible, it's kind of, well, surreal, like I said! I can't get it into my head yet. Arthur and Matthew are 19 months apart, and Matthew and Beanlet will be 20 months apart. There will be 3 years and 3 months between Arthur and Beanlet. I must be nuts! ;) But I'm so excited.

Okay, no time for other waffle. Oh, except Neil has a job interview in London this week, on Tuesday. He was avoiding jobs in London because we want to move AWAY from the stinky city (plus it's sooo expensive to live in Greater London), but it's a great opportunity and they INSTANTLY asked him to attend an interview. I mean like 10 minutes after he told the agency they could send them his CV! He has another interview on Friday, somewhere we'd both REALLY like to live. It's a couple of hours southwest of London and we've heard nothing but wonderful things about the place. It's a thriving town but drive anywhere and you're in the countryside. It's nearer the coast for easy access to/from my parents via the ferry, and it's not a million miles from family nearer London. It has a huge friendly charismatic church which appears to be the centre of the community (someone new at our church went there!), and people are actually moving there for the great schools. The house prices mean we can afford a 3-bed house in the area, but if we live up to 45 mins commute from where Neil works (if he gets the job, of course!), we can afford a spacious FIVE-bed house. Which would just be a dream. I can feel my eyes shining, just thinking about it! ;) And fresh air, ohhhh fresh air! The pollution here STINKS, and I'm fed up with it. What we are longing for is SPACE, both green/countryside type of space, and inside our home, and fresher air. I'm excited about this job.

The two jobs are very similar but Neil thinks the London one might hold better long-term prospects. I am REALLY not thrilled about the London one. We'd still have to move away somewhere more affordable, but staying near enough London would mean not affording a hugely spacious place and probably not getting too far away from the pollution. And it would guarantee a commute for Neil. I hate the idea of him commuting. Commuting SUCKS!

Anyway. We'll see. The interview for the job further away is actually a second interview. They were very impressed with him at the first one, so now he has to meet the partners in London! Yikes! I suppose he COULD get offered both (or neither, come to think of it), and if he does he will have to choose. I am anxious that he'll want to choose the London one. We'll see. I'll update about it as and when!

It's Matthew's birthday in 11 days!!!!! Nooooooo! I can't believe my baby is going to be one! We're having a teeny tiny family party, with only my side of the family. Neil's side are either working (his birthday is a Thursday and we want to celebrate on the day), too far up the country, or else busy celebrating Ella's birthday, as she and Matthew share the same birthday, one year apart! We'll invite everyone though, so as not to leave anyone out. I think we'll just have a gathering here at home. We were going to go for a picnic at the park, which I'd LOVE to do, but Arthur would run off everywhere and we'd spend the entire time chasing him down, and Matthew would simply eat everything on the ground (grass, leaves, dirt, deer poo, etc!!) and not stop until we picked him up, whereupon he'd squirm and screech and be generally suspiciously tantrummy! So that wouldn't be so good. I can't wait to do outdoor parties for Matthew, as the whole family on my side seems to have winter birthdays! It's so nice to have a summer baby for birthday parties! It'll be much more suitable from his 2nd birthday onwards though. And this way we are already inside for if it's raining, and comfy enough with our PRECOIUS air-conditioner (how I love thee!) if it's hideously hot and humid or something.

We'll keep it simple, very much like Arthur's birthday parties have been so far, and maybe have the back garden tidied and the lawn mowed so we can be out there if it's too nice not to go out! I am going to think of a cake to make soon. Too much else on my mind at the moment.

Okay, I HAVE to go to bed! Photos, and then I'm off!

Arthur having a lovely mucky painting session, making handprints, a couple of weeks ago:

Arthur eating a little chocolate fish with SUCH intricately detailed carving on it! It was a late Easter gift to him (along with a TON of other chocolate that I'm not sure I want to feed him!) from some of my parents' friends in France :)

Arthur's hands on the scanner, haha! ;)

I am behind on a MILLION photos of Matthew. Here are a bunch of them:

I told you there were lots! ;) I hope it didn't take forever for the page to load. I need to just update my tickers at the bottom - Beanlet's one has taken the place of Matthew's so I needed to make him a new ticker for his age, and I have to put that on this diary. And then I'm going to bed! I am writing daily at my pregnancy diary and some days when I haven't got time to update here too, I write some stuff there that is more related to this diary, about the boys and stuff. But otherwise I will TRY to update here too. I know I neglected it somewhat last pregnancy! Once I get morning sick I will not be able to use the computer much, as I find it makes me feel so much worse. Morning sickness for me tends to kick in at 5 weeks and 6 days (very precise so far!) and last till as least 13 weeks. But I'll post! Just not as often, maybe, while that's going on. I WILL update about job/moving stuff, and preparations for Matthew's birthday, etc.

Oh, he got his 5th tooth last week! It's the left lateral (as you look at him) next to his top front teeth. Arthur got his top laterals before his bottom ones too, and so did I :) Arthur's top laterals were well in by Matthew's age, so he's slowed down on the teething front. Toothie #5 is not in enough to capture on camera yet. #6 is looking like it will come through in the next couple of days maybe. He's sleeping BADLY at the moment, so I hope that's all it is, and that he'll go back to sleeping well after the tooth is through!

Okay, night night! :)

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