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2007-05-26 - 1.38am previous entry next entry

Meeting Thea, and photos of the boys!

Thank you so much for the comments on my last entry!! I wish I had time to write a proper entry tonight and comment on some of the things people said, but alas, it is already past 1am (sigh) and I need to get some photos posted here before my kids turn FIVE years old or something! ;)

I will think about the woven slings though :) Thank you!

Okay, tooooo long has passed since my last entry. We went to see baby Thea and she's a sweetie pie! Arthur loved her completely, Matthew did not! He smiled at her when I held him over the Moses basket to see her, but cried inconsolably if ANYONE held her. Not just me, although that's what we thought at first. Even Bob, the old man from the downstairs flat, when he came up for a quick visit and Thea was put in his arms! I think Matthew feels threatened in terms of his status in the family, maybe? Anyway, he did not enjoy that part! He DID enjoy power crawling all over new territory, as we haven't visited their home since he was born - they've always come to us. Bennie was very good with his nephews - he chased them around a lot to keep an eye on them while we cooed over Thea and talked to Sarah about all things postnatal, and even spent ages with Arthur on the computer (to keep him from running completely riot!), on the CBeebies website, which he loves. Arthur had water to drink through a straw out of a pint beer mug, hehe! He was thrilled with that. Here he is with my brother, drinking his water:

And here is the only decent photo of Thea that I managed to take:

We were all frantically grabbing for our cameras when we arrived, as we'd all wanted to capture the moment where the little boys met their new cousin, but the boys moved too fast and Arthur kept darting back and forth to the Moses Basket with various Thomas the Tank engines from the box of toys we took with us for him to play with! He gave Thea his very favourite things, and kept laying them next to her gently in the Moses Basket. That boy is the sweetest pie :)

Anyway, Thea is so lovely! She basically slept the entire time. I held her for a bit. She weighed NOTHING! I can't believe how my arms have adapted to the hefty boy-beans that I now carry around in them! I mean, honestly, she literally felt like an empty milk carton. Crazy. Also, oh my gosh she is so TINY!!! It's so strange how you forget how tiny a newborn baby is, so quickly after having one yourself! It really opened my eyes to how big my tiny boy has grown now. And there I was thinking how tiny he still is, but then I have Arthur to compare him against, so of course he still seems tiny to me. He's ENORMOUS against Thea!

I should get Matthew weighed again sometime soon. Oh but I think the health visitor wanted to come back at 12 months and do another check on his weight, so maybe I'll just wait for her to do that? It's been a few months now since he was weighed. He looks like he's more chubby than he used to be though, and he's healthy and happy so I'm not worried.

I can't believe my tiny man will be celebrating his first birthday in just three weeks!!!! How can that be?! We're trying to get our heads around a small party for him, but we just have brain fog these days, and are not getting anywhere fast. It will be a small family gathering like Arthur's birthday parties have been. Matthew is the type of baby who would not be comfortable with a bigger thing, and he might not even be too crazy about lots of family members. It's Ella's 2nd birthday the same day, so I'm not sure which family members will be able to come. We'll have to think about it.

More on that another time!

Matthew has been taking steps for about a week! He takes 2-3 steps at a time, and is CONSTANTLY practising. He sets all his own practise up by himself, and I rarely have to encourage him. He likes to pull up on the sofa, turn himself out to face the room, let go, and then he gets such a cute "focused" look on his face and puts his arms out "zombie" style, and then... usually forgets to move his feet and falls forward onto hands and knees, bless him! :) But sometimes he manages a step or two before he goes down. He sets himself up to practise this over and over (just like he did for crawling), maybe several times an hour all day long. He's very persistant and has a lot of initiative over it!

He says a few words! He says "dada" for Neil - absolutely NOTHING for me! But oh well. And he says lots of "words" that start with the letter 'd'. He says "Doh" (that's "No"), "dock" (that's clock!) and the other day when I was showing him the box of teething powders to offer him some, he said, clear as day - "dowder!" Allll his babble-talk starts with the letter 'd' :) It's so cute! If he does something that we tell him "No" for, like pulling Arthur's hair (something we're having issues with right now, sigh), or pulling out the DVD player and proceeding to smash it about (!), he watches us shaking our heads and saying no, and then he starts to wildly fling his own head side to side, saying "Dohhh" in such a serious, concerned tone, hehe! He laughs when he burps or farts, heaven help us. If he gets ANY sort of a reaction from any of us (hard to prevent Arthur from reacting!) then his eyes light up and he starts straining to produce another entertaining noise in the same way! ;)

I have a ton more to write about him, and Arthur too, but it's sooooo late and I really want to get a lot of photos posted here so that there are less to get caught up on next time!

I have a lot of photos of my sweet little boys playing together. Here are some from a week or so ago - Arthur likes me to lift him into Matthew's cotbed when they have both woken from their afternoon naps. He likes to be with Matthew in there, and to jump about and "play games" as he calls it! Matthew squeals with delight when he sees Arthur come into the room, even if he had been crying when he woke up. He loves it when Arthur goes in his cot with him! They like to jump up and down together, and generally fling themselves about. They last about 20 minutes (ages really!) before I start to make moves to take them downstairs, and Arthur always throws a bit of a tantrum over having to stop, because he loves it so much. Anyway, here are some photos that I took :)

And a few from several days before that (I think), on the sofa - these were ever so slightly menacing on Matthew's part! Arthur finds it funny, but Matthew can be quite boisterous and over-vigorous with Arthur when they play games! He was only a few months old when I first wondered aloud to Neil whether it might be Matthew who we end up having to pull off Arthur when they're older, and not the other way around!

I love that last photo, because Arthur somehow looks SO grown up in the face now, when he's relaxed and not being all hyper and grinny (!), and Matthew looks like a mischievous little cute-a-bug, which is exactly what he is these days! :) I could eat him. Seriously.

And lastly, a few photos of a spontaneous cuddle (initiated by Arthur) one afternoon. I missed the cutest shot, which was where Matthew bend right over Arthur's body and laid his cheek (facing me) on Arthur's back, with this HUGE smile on his face, as though he was just SO HAPPY that his brother had come to give him a cuddle! The first photo here was about half a second later when he straightened up again. Tsk!

Oh, but absolutely LASTLY (!), Matthew refused his nap for real this morning. He was full of beans and wanted nothing more than to keep playing and enjoying his morning! He actually did fine for it. He stayed giggly and energetic, and enjoyed an outing to the swings with Arthur and Daddy. Then they came home and we all had lunch (fish fingers, pasta and corn for the boys), and after he finished eating, he started to put his chin on his chest to lick the food off his bib (yes, he does, hehe!), and without warning, this happened!...

He didn't wake when I wiped him (which he normally HATES!) and carried him up to bed. I didn't get to nurse him before he slept (boohoo!) but he woke after 45 minutes and wanted to breastfeed then. He went back to sleep and had 2 hours in total, so that was good. But how cute with the sleeping in the highchair! It was funny because his eyes just started rolling around in his head, hehe! He couldn't keep them open and when he tried his eyes just rolllled and rollled, hehehe! So he gave up and went off to sleep :)

I love them both SO much. I would give a huge contented sigh at the thought, but my throat's so squeeeezy with love for them that I can't right now :) My precious baby boys.

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