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2007-06-07 - 11.20am previous entry next entry

New diary photo and quick update

Rushed entry as it's 11am and I'm updating at the TV (plugged in to the computer since our monitor broke!), which means it's at the boys level and they're all over me at the moment!

1) New photo at the top of my diary!! Yay! I took it about an hour ago. I love it soooo much. There are several that are nearly the same - here's how it started (Matthew was giving Arthur kisses!):

I actually quite like this other one, for the softer look on Matthew's face (and less squished cheek!) but Arthur wasn't looking at the camera:

They are SO cuddly together these days, it's ultra cute!! They play or cuddle or chase around the floor most of the day. I'm SO thrilled that we've been blessed to have two little boys so close in age because Arthur's only 2 and a half and already he has such a perfectly little playmate in Matthew. They so enjoy each other! I think it is going to be a BIG plus when I have times where I am busy breastfeeding or settling the new baby. Someone at FF who has three children (and another on the way) with the same gaps as I have told me that going from two to three children will be much easier, esecially if the first two get on so well. They will keep each other entertained really well. I do need to get more organised in general though, in preparation for it all!

Anyway, so that's the first thing.

2) Thanks so much to those who asked about Neil's job interview! Sorry I didn't update right away, I have just had no time or else been too tired (or busy wasting 3 hours writing a pregnancy diary entry that then got lose in an instant! Tsk!).

The interview went well. He doesn't find out whether he's been accepted for 2nd interview till next week, by which time he'll have had his 2nd interview for the other job (tomorrow!). He's thinking that if the one tomorrow results in a job, he will just take it and not bother going on with the other one (which is in London - we kind of want to get away from London). I'll try to update about tomorrow's one asap!

Arthur's so good! I just want to post a couple more photos and the boys were starting to cling to my legs and generally sabotage my efforts at typing, so I asked Arthur if he could go and play with something while I just finished off. He hopped down, andn said, "Come on Mashew! Let's do somesing new while Mummy focus on that!" :) I didn't know he knew "focus"! His talking seems pretty much "complete" (though I'm sure it's not yet) and has for a while, but he still surprises me sometimes with new concepts and phrases. They went to play with the Duplo :)

We're doing new things with sleep, for the boys. Now that we know another baby is on the way, we are suddenly way more motivated to get the little ones a bit more independent at getting to sleep. It's time we were able to put Arthur to bed, kiss him goodnight (after the milky (that's what he calls breastfeeding) of course!), and leave the room, so that he can take himself to sleep.

Okay, will have to finish this later - Matthew hasn't napped this am and is now getting to meltdown all of a sudden, clinging and clutching at me and crying. Here are the 3 photos I was going to post, of Arthur yesterday. He had a long pm nap (1.5 hours!!) and then when I brought him down, he promptly fell asleep again on the sofa for another 30 minutes! Of course I took photos ;)

Isn't he GORGEOUS?! I know I'm horribly biased, but.... He's like a perfect little cherub to me while he's sleeping! I could watch his sweet face for ever.

Okay, I must go! Back soon. I have more photos yet.

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