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2005-05-22 - 10.06pm previous entry next entry

More video clips of Arthur :)

Hello. I have nothing much to say this evening but I wanted to post three new video clips that were taken over the last week. The last two were actually taken yesterday. They are on his video clip page at the bottom (link over on the left).The first one is Arthur in his bug print fuzzi bunz on the grey fleece, having a chat with nobody in particular! He is doing what he does a LOT these days, lots of loud �day-day-day-day!� sounds. Today he has mainly been saying, �Bro-bro-bro-bro!� or �Ba-ba-ba-ba!� or �Bam-bam-bam-bam!� He likes to say things over and over like that, and I love it when he does, because he makes such funny expressions with his whole face while he does it! He opens and closes his mouth in such an over-exaggerated manner, which I find so cute and funny! The ones we took yesterday are of Arthur and me on our bed. (*sigh* - OUR bed� not for much longer) I was blowing bubbles for him in the first clip � though he wasn�t so excited and active with them as the first time I blew bubbles. And the other one was me pulling him from lying down to sitting, but he would NOT sit, hehe! He is not impressed by sitting. He prefers to lie down, or even better, standing!! He is just soooo excited when he stands, and he likes it when I pull him right up into a standing position from lying down. So there is a clip of me doing this for you to see :)

I am so tired today. I go to bed way too late for a tired sleep-deprived person. It�s silly really. I started the night in the spare bed last night but the first time Arthur woke and I nursed him back to sleep in bed, I fell asleep in there so I stayed the night. I always feel like I sleep badly when I sleep next to Arthur. I LOVE it so much, and I go back to sleep quicker and wake up less completely when I wake to nurse him, but I have that feeling of only having had light sleep and feeling like my night has been all broken up into tiny bits of fragmented sleep. Which makes me feel like something squished in the morning. Neil took Arthur downstairs at 6.45 this morning, as he woke around 6.15 and wouldn�t go back to sleep. I got a bit more sleep, but lately Arthur is getting so that he is happy with Daddy for an hour or so, and then after that he gets quite whiney and upset until he sees me. Then he reaches and shrieks for me, and when I hold him he is the calmest, quietest boy for ages. Maybe we are starting to get a taste of separation anxiety? I know it is due to start soon, given Arthur�s age.

Well, he has napped well today,and yesterday too. I nursed him in bed at 9.30 this morning and he went to sleep right away and stayed there for an hour and a half. I fell asleep next to him and got about the same amount of sleep, which was great. He took a 30 minute nap at lunch time and then a 45 minute nap this afternoon. He had banana again today but it was fairly near to bedtime and he wasn�t in as great a mood for eating. I mixed it more runny with breastmilk than yesterday, and he enjoyed it again. He didn�t want more than a few little baby spoonfuls today though, so I threw the rest away and didn�t make a thing of it � it was a fun time, and that�s great! Thanks for the tip on freezing the fruit and veg that I�ve got, Jemma! I don�t know if I�ll bother with the pear, because he really doesn�t seem to like it. Neil is eating them, but he isn�t that big a fan either. Bleurgh, pear. My NCT baby food book says that of the few fruits and veg that do not freeze well, banana is one of them. So I don�t think I�ll freeze the bananas. Although I LOVE bananas so I planned to eat them myself anyway! ;)

Thank you for the guestbook entries again, and to Julie for the heartfelt note. *hugs*

I am still torn over this sleep thing. The thing is, I know that Arthur sleeps the same whether he�s next to me or not. The current situation is craaazy � I sleep in the spare room to get better sleep, because I wake at every peep that Arthur makes in his sleep. Neil sleeps on our bedroom floor next to the (kingsize!) bed that Arthur sleeps in. Crazy. But Arthur sleeps just the same whether we are by his side or not. So he is not going to sleep better just because we put him in a cot. I know that he needs to learn to go to sleep without falling asleep on the breast or being rocked to sleep. He needs to learn how to fall asleep from being awake in bed, like I can. I just can�t think of a singl way to teach him this that doesn�t involve him crying a bit or being upset at first. I know the outcome is way more important and he neeeeds this skill. But I can�t bring myself to make him unhappy, even for a moment. Urgh. I wish there was an easier way. I haven�t decided what to do yet.

Oh he just made stirring sounds so I went in, and found him on his tummy!! When he is asleep on his back, we always put a rolled up baby blanket against his leg on the side he likes to roll towards, because that way when he rolls on his side in that direction and instinctively then wants to complete the roll and end up on his tummy, the blanket prevents his leg from getting over and landing him on his tummy. He isn�t able to roll from tummy to back very well yet, so I don�t think he would be able to if he rolled onto his tummy in bed, and would need our help to roll him back. So we prevent him rolling. Anyway, it shows how he is getting so much bigger all the time! He had got his leg over the blanket and rolled onto his tummy, and the blanket was under his legs. He wears sleeping bags to sleep so it hadn�t tangled him at all. He was just peeping at me over his little hands tucked under his chin against the bed. He�s such a sweetie. I nursed him and he is asleep again. I wish I could keep him this age forever. But at the same time, not! Parenting isn�t easy. I know everybody knows this, and I did too, but eh. It just needed saying again.

One of his night boots (for correcting his curly feet) has broken, so I have to bleep the paediatric physio tomorrow and take Arthur in to the hospital to get it mended. It broke on Thursday � I don�t know how. It just seems to have come loose and isn�t holding his foot in a stretched position any more. I bleeped the physio on Friday and she said not to use his night boots till I see her on Monday � yay!!! Arthur�s first few nights without any plaster casts or boots for�. ooh months. I can�t remember how long. I think he was 15 weeks or something when it all started. Or 16. I can�t remember. Long enough. He still has to wear the boots for a while yet, but they are okay. It�s normal to us now. And they are working, so yay for the boots! :)

Urgh, I am bone tired. I think I will grab something to eat and go to bed. I feel a bit deflated today. I feel like I never get anything constructive done with my days. It�s all about sleep � for Arthur and for me � and important jobs like sewing nappies or babyproofing the house just aren�t getting done. Weekends are like an oasis to look forward to, but this one has virtually vanished without much getting done like we�d planned. We were meant to go to a wedding yesterday and to church this morning, but we did neither. Just too tired. Or something. Time just disappears. We can�t get much done when Arthur is asleep because we daren�t wake him (NOT how I had wanted to be around our children and sleep), and when he�s awake he needs at least one parent's attention ALL the time! He is getting less and less tolerant of us putting him in his ring or on the floor while we do things. Which I do not blame him for one little bit. And it�s not what I wanted to do for him in any case. But still. It does mean I don�t do anything on our ever-increasing list of things to do. Ever. And then I stress about all the stuff to do and how it�s not getting done. Urgh.

I am not a fun person right now. I wish I was. I wish things felt easier. But I DO enjoy Arthur. He�s the most delightful baby, and I love him so completely.

Neil phoned his sister today. She is nearly 38 weeks pregnant! We are going to see her and her husband next weekend � yay!! I know that despite life as a new(ish) mummy being hard, I will feel very broody when I see her huge bump and little one kicking inside, and all their plans that they are making for a new baby. I can�t wait to do it all again! But obviously I�m going to. Wait, that is. But I�m looking forward to it. Is that crazy?! With how life is at the moment? Oh well. It�s how I feel. SIL isn�t planning to do anything AP and the new baby will sleep in a cot in its own room from the start. I am just SURE that irony will prevail and they will have the perfect sleeper and noooo issues whatsoever with their little one, whilst we over here try to do everything as AP as we can and struggle! She says her baby kicks all day and not at all during the night. That sounds like good-going. Her baby might well sleep great at night and be active in the day. That would be great for them. But I feel envious! Which makes me feel a bit ashamed. I love everything about Arthur, and I wouldn�t change a thing. But I do wish we had more sleep � all of us. Oh but I did convert SIL to cloth nappies � yay!! They just ordered a big stash of them. I asked Neil what type and he didn�t know, and I was like, �What?! You didn�t ASK?!! How will I wait till next weekend to find out?!� hehe! I am so obsessed with cloth nappies.

Okay I am going to go. I need to eat something. And it�s late. And I ache a lot tonight, I don�t know why. I love Arthur. And um. That is all.

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