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2005-05-25 - 11.30pm previous entry next entry

Sleep issues. And more carroty photos!

I wish I had updated over the last few days. I feel like I have fifty million newsy things to say. But I haven't had time/energy/free arms.

I am crampy. I am so itchy to start temping again, just so I can SEE when exactly I am ovulating. I am just going by CM at the moment, but of course Fertility Friend do not confirm ovulation if you just chart CM. Tsk. At least my CM is pretty self-explantory these days - at last!! I am sure it took us so long to conceive before because of my rubbish CM, but now it's all normal and fertile! Yay! Anyway, so I am fairly sure when I am ovulating. This time I think it was 6 days ago. Last cycle I only had a 5 day luteal phase, so I'm sort of expecting my period any time now. Today I have had a crappy headache that has lasted the whoooole day, even with painkillers. That's very typical for me the day before a period shows up, or at least, it used to be. Also my face looks puffy. Oh joy. Another normal thing for me just as AF arrives. And I'm tireder than EVER before, and kind of irritable with it. Then just after Arthur went to sleep this evening, I started getting lots of period cramps. Blah. But I am happy that it's been 6 days this time instead of 5. Still not long enough by far to support a pregnancy, but then I don't need it to just yet, so I should stop keeping track of it and getting all obsessive! ;)

Oooh, I added a load of new blinkies!!! I love blinkies, and they just say at a glance what I�m about. I hope none of them offend anyone � for example, I have one that says, �No CIO here!� and I know that some wonderful mothers read this diary who have let their babies cry-it-out to varying degrees. By using this blinkie I don�t mean to say, �All you CIO mothers are wrong wrong wrong!!!� � I just want to make that clear!! I just mean that for me, CIO isn�t something I would want to try, because I can�t bring myself to, and because I don�t think it is right for Arthur personally. And I am proud of my choice � it�s part of who I am and I am happy to declare it! So that�s why I wanted to use this blinkie when I saw it on somebody else�s signature on a FF board. Same for all my blinkies now I think about it. I am proud of my breastfeeding so I have blinkies that say so! I don�t mean them to crush other mummies who don�t breastfeed. I am so pleased to put one up saying, �6 month breastfeeding milestone!�!! I will switch it for a 7-month one and then an 8-month one as the months go by! Anyway I just wanted to clarify all that. And be excited about my new blinkies!! :)

I have a lot to write about sleep. If I had written about it yesterday, I would have been all moody and bummed about sleep. The day before I would have been all happy and excited about it. There. I have spared you the rollercoaster! I am pretty bored of always writing about sleep now, but hey ho. It's still the biggest issue we are dealing with for now. Oh but I will write about that a bit later, because Arthur is stirring and after that my dinner will be ready (lovely Neil yet again!), so I�ll continue this after dinner.

Back again. Yummy dinner :) And make that another 5 day luteal phase after all � my period just showed up before dinner. Pfthth. But also, yay. Because it�s nice to know that I am still able to read my body�s signs after more than a year of weirdness in that department! I feel queasy and crampy, but I�m glad that my tiredness and headaches today can be explained away now, and that I don�t need to expect them again after tomorrow. Tomorrow might be crummy for me. I hope it won�t. I haven�t got much experience of periods since um�. January 2004!! But the first day is always painful and yucky. That counts as tomorrow since it�s showed up so late today. But last period was sooooo light, it had gone after about 36 hours! I don�t know whether to expect the same this time or not. It seems like a normal full-on period for now, but so did the last one at first.

I will stop talking about my periods now!

Neil is watching a football match on TV this evening. It lasts allll evening. That is okay. I have stuff I can write online, Arthur is sleeping peacefully, and Neil doesn�t watch matches like this very often. It amuses me how men (or is it just mine?) assume you are interested in what they are watching (i.e. a football match) every time you walk through the living room to go to the kitchen or something. Neil does this all the time. He knows I don�t give a monkeys about football, and would prefer to be in a different part of the house when there�s a match on, and yet if I appear for like 2 seconds to grab a book I left in there, not even looking at the screen, he�s suddenly narrating or telling me the score, and saying, �Oooh, did you see that?!!� or �Can you believe what just happened?!� It�s only one-way though. He can�t hear me if I talk to him. Like, I can walk in and say, �Arthur just moonwalked across the bedroom and then the roof fell onto the driveway.� And he�d give me that pretend-I-just-heard-the-very-interesting-thing-you-just-said smile that looks completely the opposite to how he *thinks* it looks, and say, �We�re into extra time already!!� Heh. He�s funny. I think it�s because he gets soooo excited about these matches that it kind of overspills. Like a little boy :) Men can be quite sweet. Sometimes!

Okay, I was going to write about sleep. Let�s see. I have lots to write so I need to think about the order of events! It�s Wednesday today (is it, already?!!) so I guess it was Monday when I felt like I had finished another weekend completely knackered, having got nothing done even with Neil around, nor managed to catch up adequately on my sleep. We had not even been able to put the new cot-bed together for Arthur. There�s still furniture where it�s meant to go! Urgh. Anyway, on Monday Arthur had his usual 30 minute nap at around 9-9.30am � how nice that I can say that these days! I hadn�t really noticed it happening, but he does take a half hour nap at almost exactly the same time every morning. I guess it has been easy to facilitate without really paying attention to the time, because Neil leaves for work at around 8.30am, and then I eat my breakfast with Arthur watching, and it�s always during that time that I notice he is starting to look sleepy. After that I will pick him up and cuddle him for a while or play with him, but he�s always showing me sleepy signs by then, and that normally takes us to around 9am or just after. So off to bed we go, and I nurse him to sleep. He always goes off quickly and easily, although he has a good feed from one side first. A good feed for Arthur is normally about 5 or 10 minutes long, but lots of that will be comfort sucking after the initial gulping, until the second let-down happens and then he�s back to gulping again till it subsides! After that he�s almost asleep so I either take him off the breast while he�s too sleepy to protest, or he pops off by himself and snuggles his head around on the bed to get comfy before falling asleep. This is pretty good, now that I think about it!

So he always wakes after 30 minutes with this nap, and I don�t bother trying to get him to sleep longer anymore, because it rarely works. He wakes wide-eyed and cheery, so I just get him up and get on with the morning. The next window for a nap comes around noon, although Arthur is usually getting sleepy or even cranky (if tired enough) any time from 11, so this nap is flexible. Last week Arthur showed a few signs on a couple of days that he would sleep for a longer stretch at this nap. But other days he only slept 30 minutes again, and would not go back to sleep for anything. So he got more and more tired, until he zonked right out at the 3pm-ish nap for 2 hours. So it doesn�t always work out that the lunchtime nap will be long.

But anyway. On Monday, at around 11.15am, Arthur was showing signs of needing his nap, so I took him up to bed, and on the way I suddenly wondered if I might try what I have read other Diaryland mums doing with their sleep-frustrated little ones. I didn�t want to let him cry or anything, but I wondered what would happen if I just left him for a few minutes after he fed, with him sleepy but awake. I wondered if maybe he would fuss a bit but manage to fall asleep by himself (which he hasn�t really done yet, at least only a few times by accident in the middle of the night, and that was months ago). So when I fed him, instead of wedging him slightly with a rolled up blanket to prevent him rolling onto his tummy (he can�t roll onto his back again, and he has NEVER laid his head down when on his tummy � it stays up all the time, whether he�s lively or exhausted!), I let him roll onto his tummy when he finished nursing. He was almost asleep. I got off the bed and �left� to see what would happen. Of course I really stayed crouched below the bed on the floor, peeping through the mesh bedguard where he couldn�t see me, to observe him! I couldn�t really leave. I needed to see exactly how he reacted to this very new situation. But as far as Arthur knew, I was not there.

He popped his head up once on his tummy, as usual. At first he was sleepy, but he quickly seemed more awake. He seemed happy and cooed away. I thought maybe he would gradually get sleepy and put his head down to sleep, but he stayed quite awake. I watched the clock and decided to give him 10 minutes before �coming back� to check on him. I figured if he fussed during that time I would still stay where I was, because maybe he just needed to fuss and then go to sleep. That�s why I kept an eye on the clock, because it felt like an eternity, and I knew if he started getting annoyed I would find it hard to wait where I was.

After a while of busying himself cooing and patting the mattress cheerfully (he is SUCH a cutie!! It was such a lovely thing to be able to watch him �on his own� to see how he behaved!), he started to look at the bedroom doorway. He stopped looking anywhere else after a while. He even tipped his head on one side and leaned his body to the side as if he was craning his neck to see round the doorway! I knew he was looking for me. But he stayed quiet while he watched. After that he started calling me. At first he just used a normal �talking� voice, tone and volume, saying, �Aaa?� and then pausing, watching the door. Then, �Aaa?� and another pause. It was so cute. And I felt awful letting him wait when he was so trustful and expectant, and asking for me so politely! And yet I felt wonderful that he wanted me like that.

After a few �Aaa?�s, they got louder and longer, and he waited less and less time between them. I feel awful thinking back on it, realising how I just sat there and let him call me without responding. It just isn�t right. I feel so bad for it now. But I didn�t know whether it was �right� or �wrong� at the time. It was unknown. I thought he might just go, �Oh well then!� and fall asleep. Silly me. How could I have expected him to do that when he had never ever ever known me to not respond to him before. Ever. My poor baby.

He started to get angry and his sounds got angrier. His body language got angrier and eventually he was red-faced and screeching ear-piercingly at the doorway. By this time, 7 minutes had passed, and I thought, okay, three minutes to go till I reappear anyway, and maybe this is the point where I hold off and he calms down. Maybe I need to get through this bit to help him learn to sleep by himself? I even questioned whether his reactions showed that I had been �giving in� to him too much until now, and wondered for a moment if he was just �determined� or �demanding� in his personality. I can�t believe I let myself think those things, about me or about my precious Arthur. He isn�t demanding or determined. Those words don�t really mean to flatter a baby, when they are used over something like this. They are words that people use to convey the notion that the baby needs controlling or shaping over this issue. Arthur doesn�t. He had every right to get angry. He fully expected his Mummy to be there, and she wasn�t there. And he had every right to expect that, since he had never known anything different. And nor should he have, because he is only a 6-month-old baby. Why SHOULD he ever have experienced a moment without his Mummy, at such an extremely young age? I can�t believe I let myself think differently than this for a while.

Anyway, right after he had been angry for a minute or so, his angry screeches started to sound more like the beginning of crying, and I had decided that I would not let him cry, no matter how long had elapsed. I had planned that if he cried I would go to him straight away and comfort him, and when he was calm I would leave again and see what happened � several times over if necessary. So as soon as he sounded like that I crawled on my belly (I�m so silly!) to the doorway so that I would look like I had walked in at the door where he was looking, and stood up once outside the room to walk in. Just in that tiny amount of time, he was crying and sobbing by the time I walked in :( As soon as he saw me he stopped crying and gave me such a lovely smile, sweet boy. He was still on his tummy so I went and sat next to him on the bed and patted his back gently. He put his head down, which he has never done before, and his eyes rolled till they closed!!! After a few seconds they opened again and he popped his head up, twisting it round so he could look at me for a moment. When he saw me, he smiled that beautiful smile again, and immediately closed his eyes and put his head back down. A few seconds later, he repeated this again. After he had checked to see that I was there a few times in a row, he stayed asleep!! I was so amazed!! It was the first time he had ever gone to sleep by himself.

He did not MOVE, not an inch, for the next hour and 20 minutes!!! At that point, he made stirring sounds so I went in quickly to see what would happen � he has never slept on his tummy before. I was checking on him like every few minutes, I felt so nervous for some reason! He still had his eyes closed, but he had lifted his head and shoulders up. He was sooooo sleepy and groggy that he couldn�t maintain his head up in the air, so it bonked back down on the bed! He lifted it again, but it was too heavy and again it thumped onto the bed, but this time he seemed to give up and went back to sleep! I was agog with amazement! 10 minutes later I took this photo:

He was so zonked! The room was pretty dark so I used the flash, and he didn�t even flinch. That white cuddly beanie-type toy (let�s call him a milky bear, for want of a better name!) next to him is the soft toy that I am trying to help him make into a comfort toy. I am hoping to use it as a tool to help him know it�s time to sleep, or even to help him cosy down and get sleepy when he holds it, if he does take to it as a comfort thing. At the moment I keep it in the bed. When he nurses before a nap in bed, we lie tummy-to-tummy, and the milky bear (I think it�s a polar bear) goes in between us. If he grabs at my clothes/face/hair with his hands while he�s nursing, I put the milky bear in his hands and it keeps him occupied. It is very very soft and its surface is very silky-feeling fluffy stuff. Today he is definitely holding it more while he feeds.

Anyway, he finally woke after exactly 2 hours sleep! He woke with a few cooing noises and I went in to find him still on his tummy, with his little head and shoulders right up, staring around him with sleepy blinky eyes. When he saw me he beamed so huge!! I talked to him and opened the curtains, and he looked sooooo happy for his lovely sleep that I took another photo of him just seconds after I opened his curtains:

Happy sleepy boy!! I was so thrilled for him, and so hopeful of getting the sleep issues sorted out. I knew it probably wouldn�t be that easy the next time, but it was such an encouraging start.

So then he had another 30 minute nap at around 4.30pm and thus ended the perfect day � 3 evenly spaced naps, a lovely long 2 hour lunchtime nap with two 30 minute catnaps either side! It seemed to be just right for him, and it was very nice for me too. I got lots of fabric cut out into nappy shapes for sewing � yay! And I ate lunch. And I watched Neighbours!! Wow. What bliss it would be to have this every day! I could even do housework and the house could look nice all the time. I could feel recharged and like I had spent some time with myself each day. Or if I needed to, I could take a nap myself. How nice that would be. Plus if he continued to prefer lunchtime as a long nap time, it would mean that we would have mornings and afternoons free for doing things together. This means that church, the mothers� fellowship group, and afternoon clinics would not interrupt Arthur�s nap times!! Yay!

Well. Neil got home and was thrilled with our progress. Right after that, it was Arthur�s bedtime. He was sleepy and I was so encouraged by the naptime success that Neil and I decided to try it again at bedtime. After I fed Arthur, I got off the bed and Neil stayed with me on the floor to watch him, hehe! Well this time it went horribly. At first I thought it was to be expected. But it was worse than that in the end. Arthur called and waited for me to come, and I didn�t. He got angry like before. After that he cried, and I went to him straight away. But he didn�t stop crying. He cried so hard, like he never ever cries, and he sobbed and everything. You guys know Arthur does not cry much at all. He is such a happy baby. But I was right with him, patting his back (he was on his tummy again by then), and shh-shh-shh-ing and being all �Mummy� and comforting. But it was like he was too upset by what had happened to recover from it. His body language and facial expressions and the sounds of his cries seemed to show total despair, not just sadness. It was heartbreaking. I turned him over in case being on his tummy was bothering him, but he just cried harder. He didn�t look at me even, just kept his eyes closed. I even picked him up and held him to me, but he just sobbed and cried, as though any old person had picked him up. My poor poor lovely baby.

After that I lay down and breastfed him again, and he took it and calmed down some, but he kept stopping to sob and whimper. Soooo unlike Arthur :( By the time he had finished nursing, I had fully decided not to leave him again. I figured I could still let him be sleepy but awake and see if he fell asleep after nursing, but stay there with him. I wish I had done that from the start, but I just didn�t know. Well, he finished nursing and rolled straight onto his tummy. Immediately he started to cry the same way as before, and when I patted his back and shhed him, he just continued to act like the world was ending :( I put him back on the breast, and when he came off this time, he cried straight away. He was very tired by this time, but still. Something had made him so sad. *I* made him so sad :( I felt awful.

It took him a long time to calm down. I lay close to him and just let him nurse on and off, and spoke softly to him now and then, and stroked him with my free hand. I gave him all the time he needed. I knew he needed to regain some confidence and recover from something upsetting, and he needed to feel close to me and know I was there and not going anywhere. After a while he seemed a bit happier, although he was much more awake at this point. He rolled onto his tummy, and didn�t cry. Then he rolled onto his back in the same direction!!! Clever boy!! After that, there was no stopping him! He rolled from back to tummy and tummy to back, covering the entire (kingsize!) mattress and changing his angle on the bed constantly with all the rolling! Finally he settled � wouldn�t you know it?! � right near the edge of the bed in the only spot where there is no bedguard or wall against the mattress! He fell fast asleep and we didn�t want to wake him to move him, so we made a sturdy bedguard out of an ENORMOUS atlas of astronomy (as in planets and stuff, not starsigns!) and a rolled up duvet cover stuffed between the mattress and the bedframe, next to the real bedguard. It sounds less safe than it was! It was very sturdy and there was no way he could have rolled over it. I checked him frequently too.

He slept okay that night. When he woke as normal in the night, the difference was that he cried immediately on waking, just as he had when he was upset that I had left him. I slept the whole night right by his side in the bed, because I wanted to be close to him if he needed extra reassurance. I�m glad I did because he needed it lots of times in the night. Poor sausage.

Yesterday he was not himself. He was clingy and seemed more whiney than usual. He isn�t a whiney baby, and he doesn�t cry much at all. He usually spends a large portion of the day smiling and seeming really happy with life, but yesterday he didn�t at all. I couldn�t even make him smile with things that usually have him giggling easily. Most of the day he wore this expression and seemed insecure in himself � or at least that�s the vibe I got from him:

Poor Arthur :(

He did not want me out of his sight yesterday, and he wasn�t even happy to be put down on the floor with his toys while I stayed there WITH him. He wanted to be held a lot. I had to eat my meals cross-legged on the floor, with Arthur on my lap, because he went straight from unsure whimpery sounds to full-on crying and sobbing if I sat there and didn�t pick him up. I wondered if there was something else wrong, but I haven�t been able to find any other cause. The only other thing I could think of was maaaaybe the banana isn�t agreeing with him, but he has no physical symptoms of intolerance, so I don�t think it�s that. He is healthy. He isn�t overtired. Well, if he is then it�s no more than normal.

This showed me clearly that I had done the wrong thing by Arthur, trying to make him more independent by leaving him, even for a few minutes. I realise that many, if not most, babies respond to this fine with persistence, and nearly all of those will complain at first. But yesterday�s behaviour was exactly what I needed to prove that some babies can not tolerate it, and it�s not right to put babies like that through it. No matter what the �experts� say, or how many squillions of other mothers say it works, or how tired you�ll be for going back to the way things were before. I now know that any sort of separation or crying-it-out-type-thing is wrong to the point of being cruel as far as this particular little boy is concerned. Some babies thrive on it, and do wonderfully as a result. Arthur isn�t one of them. I feel angry with myself for giving in to�. whatever it was that I gave in to, and not trusting my gut instinct that said CIO was NOT for us. Everything within me told me NOT to separate myself from my baby, even to sleep. Not at all. In any way. But I did. And it was the wrong thing to do. Everybody else everywhere seems to be doing it, so I did too, but I wish I hadn�t. I guess I was fuelled by wanting sleep, and wondering if Arthur would just go on sleeping this badly for like another year or more!! I didn�t know how I would cope with the sleep deprivation any longer, so I gave in. Right now I would rather DIE of sleep deprivation than put Arthur through something that upset him so much again. Even if it were to work if I persevered. I will not do it again. We will weather it out.

So yesterday I felt very upset and very fed up about the whole sleep thing. Last night I stayed close to Arthur again, and all of yesterday I held him and let him be as close to me as he wanted for as long as he wanted. Which was all day. And when he napped. Which was badly, by the way. He only took two 20 minute naps between waking (at 6am) and 4pm. He was so tired out, but he cried when we went for a nap :( See? The boy knows he was made to feel insecure and unhappy. He remembered it well enough. And I feel bad about that. I took him to bed to nap at around 4pm, and he cried and nursed and eventually fell asleep around 4.45pm. He slept fitfully and woke crying twice in the first 30 minutes, but after that he went into this super deep sleep. I tried to wake him at 5.30 because bedtime comes at 6.30 and I didn�t want him to be finishing his nap too near to bedtime. But he wouldn�t even wake. He just was soooo deeply asleep. I left him a bit longer and managed to wake him at 5.45pm. He went to bed at 7pm but didn�t sleep till nearer 8pm.

Today has been lots better. He is back to his normal self. He is pretty clingy to me, and I wonder if we have hit the start of separation anxiety? It�s the right age window, and in any case, things could have been triggered by the last couple of days. He is happy as long as he can see me, and smiles at me watching me go up the stairs, but as soon as I�m out of sight upstairs (say, to go to the loo), he immediately starts crying and whimpering. I talk to him constantly from wherever I�m at, or call down that Mummy is just doing a wee/wiping her bottom/washing her hands (!!) � I�m glad it�s not the weather for having the windows open yet!! Hehe! He gets it all narrated, all the details! ;) He whines and fusses the whole time, but at least it�s not full-on crying like if I don�t talk and narrate the whole time that I�m gone. The instant I reappear on the stairs (where he is anxiously watching), his expression changes and he beams from ear to ear. Sweet baby boy.

But apart from that, things have been fine today. He hasn�t been fussy or tearful at nap times. He napped for 30 minutes at the normal morning naptime, and then I let him nurse to sleep at lunchtime and he woke after 30 minutes, but nursed back to sleep again and slept for a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes!!! Yay Arthur! He was very happy after that nap! I have held him a lot today. I guess I am wanting to �make up� for detaching myself from him so rudely the other day, but also I just want to hold him lately. He�s so squidgy and cuddly! And he loves to be held. I love to give him things he loves, so I will hold him. Although, I have hurt my back. Ow. I don�t know how. It�s a specific spot on one of my vertebrae. It hurts when I press it like a massive bruise, but it�s not a knock or bump. Neil is going to find a chiropractor for me. I need to see one anyway to sort my back out well before I get pregnant again.

Anyway. Arthur missed his afternoon nap, because he took his lunchtime nap late and then I nursed him in bed at around 5pm, but he didn�t go to sleep so I got him up again. I shouldn�t have let the day slip so late, but I have felt yucky and headachy today. He took a nice bath with Daddy this evening and then I nursed him in bed. I let him roll around on the bed afterwards to see if he got sleepy. Neil and I stayed right there with him, quietly. He seemed so happy to have us there. I hope we didn�t make him stay awake by being there (we might have) but I just wanted to reaffirm to him that we weren�t going anywhere.

Oooh he�s stirring � oh my goodness, it�s MIDNIGHT!!! I have been writing this all evening!! I can�t believe that�s the time. Arthur needed to nurse then roll about, then nurse, then roll about, and so on, until he finally got sleepy. He pretty much nursed to sleep, but he was just about awake when he rolled over to sleep. He woke two hours later at 9.30ish, and now it�s been another 2 hours and 30 minutes. Not bad for Arthur :)

Okay I just finished settling him. Neil changed his nappy and Arthur was sooooo angry! He screeched and yelled angry-sounding �DAY! ROE! LAY!� sounds � the ones he�s been babbling over and over. He was so funny with his angry sounds that we couldn�t help but chuckle quietly to ourselves, even though he was genuinely cross with us for changing him when he wanted to go back to sleep! I nursed him and then he rolled onto his tummy. We aren�t able to prevent him doing this anymore, and it�s making for a much longer time in getting him to sleep. He wakes up when he finds himself on his tummy, and if he is wanting to stay sleepy then he gets cross about this and cries in an angry way. He did this just now, but I rubbed his back and shhed and he fell asleep!!! Yay!

I feel infinitely better now that I do not have that �hanging over me� feeling from last week � the one that was there because I felt I had no choice but to �detach� a bit from Arthur in order to help him sleep on his own. Now I am delighted because I proved to myself that there�s no way we�re doing that, and also it looks entirely possible that Arthur can learn to fall asleep by himself WITH us, so we can still co-sleep!!! Hooray!! I hope that when he is easily able to fall asleep by himself, he will settle himself in the night more and therefore wake us less. Although I will still wake at every little sound or movement probably. I am all tuned into him so that seems to happen. I�m not the best sleeper myself which doesn�t help. Anyway, I think we will still use the cot-bed because I don�t feel safe to leave him in the bed for unsupervised daytime naps, now that he�s getting mobile. At night I give him protection against falling out of bed, with my body!

Okay, one last thing to mention! Yesterday I cooked and pureed various organic fruit and veg to freeze, so that it didn�t go off in the meantime! I made 10 ice-cubes worth of PERFECTLY pureed carrot!! Yay! This is not like the last batch of carrot I made, ohhh no. It�s smooth and yummy. I might have added too much of the cooking water though, as it�s quite runny. But much thicker than milk still. And I made 4 cubes of peach puree (not too successful this time � way too watery methinks) and 7 cubes of the remaining pears � now much riper than before, so worth trying again possibly?

Today I thawed and heated a carrot cube to a warm temperature, and put Arthur in his highchair and tried feeding him some. He STILL doesn�t like it!! He made faces when I tried to feed him, so I stopped trying. He�ll only develop food �issues� if I try to push him. I let him play with the bowl and spoon, prepared for a huge mess! After a while he picked up the spoon and fed himself three tiiiiny spoonfuls (rather messily!) and he made similar faces but at least he seemed interested for a moment. Then he just played. He didn�t seem to mind getting his hands messy this time! I had a lot of cleaning to do afterwards! Everything was orange!! He had orange ears and dried carrot in his hair on the BACK of his head, hehe! I hope the carrot comes out of his clothes. I even had to put the highchair harness in the washing machine. I will leave you with these photos of Arthur and his bowl of carrot puree!....

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