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2008-05-18 - 1.36am previous entry next entry

Nathan is 4 months old!

Late, so a short entry (honestly!), but I have got sooooooooo many photos to post that I need to make a start!

I uploaded photos of Nathan from my camera first, all taken since he turned 4 months old on Monday (four months!?!?!). I think there are still some from before then which I haven't posted, but oh well. I will try to get to those soon!

Also, must write about Matthew's haircut. And we're a bit germy at the moment. Matthew had green goo hanging out of his left eye last night at bedtime, but it looked otherwise fine and wasn't bothering him so I figured we'd keep an eye on it (I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. I lead a simple life, you know!). By the time I went to bed I had a weird sore throat, not awful, but just ALL over my throat rather than just in one place like I'm used to. In the night I didn't get much sleep at all, nothing before 4am, and then very broken after that. My throat felt swollen and it was hard to force a swallow, but it still wasn't horribly sore. Matthew woke lots of times in the night crying, and he wouldn't let Neil comfort him, he only wanted me, which was unusual as well.

Anyway, by the morning, his left eye was clearly NOT WELL! He had so much goop coming from it, and after we'd de-gummed his eyelashes so he could open the eye, it was pink and SO swollen. Naturally it was Saturday (no GP surgery open) because that's when we always need to see a doctor in this house! So we took him to the emergency clinic and they were really anxious about the swelling in his eyelid. They prescribed a TEN day course of oral double-strength antibiotics, urrrgh! In my gut I did not feel like it was right for him. I have had conjunctivitis a fair few times myself as a child/teen, but I don't think I had the swelling. They were worried about cellulitis and said he might need to come back for IV antibiotics!! Yikes!

So, by a few hours later, his eye was way less swollen, and his other eye had rapidly gone from fine-and-dandy, to pink and goopy. Also we got him the antibiotics and he promptly spat them out everywhere and wouldn't swallow even a tiny bit (even bribed with Smarties!). Soooo we called the clinic and they said to come back at 6pm to reassess him. I took him this time with my "mama guns" loaded! ;) I had googled and googled and just did not understand the need for him to have such mega antibiotics.

I prayed on the way there in the car and thankfully we saw a great doctor who didn't know why Matthew had been prescribed antibiotics, because eye drops would do the trick! :) Hooray! So Matthew has to have eye drops 4 times a day for a bit. It's no fun but at least we can ensure his eyes are treated this way!

Meanwhile I looked at my throat in the mirror with a torch and it's COVERED in blistery spots! What is up with that?! The whole thing. They are red/yellow. I asked the doctor to look at my throat and he said it is not bacterial, so I guess I wait it out. I feel crummy, nauseous and achy and off my food, so I hope it goes soon! And that the boys don't get it.

Matthew is coughing a ton in his sleep tonight, almost a croup-like cough, but not croup. Poor sausage! I think it's pretty likely that we'll all have pink eyeballs before the next week is out, but oh well. I just hope the boys don't have it too badly. We have to stay home because it's super infectious, which is a bummer with church tomorrow, but never mind. I just hope it goes quickly! Nathan is really disturbed in his sleep this evening (up hourly so far), so hmmm. Could be a fun night! ;)

Here are the photos of Nathan!

Four months old! And - recent discovery - FEET! :)

In his blue ducky vest that never fit the other boys when they were the right size due to the huge cloth nappies they were wearing! Still using disposables at the moment. I feel sad about it because.... I just do. I think I should use cloth on Nathan even if I can't do all three boys at once in cloth right now. Anyway. This vest is size 6-9 months!

I could eat this boy. Whole.

Here he is having JUST woken up from a nap a few days ago. His neck is so much stronger than it was just a couple of weeks ago! He sleeps on his tummy - see his little red patch on his forehead/cheek where he was sleeping - I go to mush over little things like this. *sigh*

Chewing (a constant activity these days):

BEAMING!! I love my baby boy! :)

He's so haaaappy! Such a sweet, easy-going baby, so much of the time. I'm so blessed! He's going a bit bald on top now, and there are tiny fine hairs everywhere. I have to change his sheets more often now because of the hairs! But in a couple of months I will be able to see his new REAL hair, and I can't wait to see that!

I have a billion more photos, including some nice ones of all three boys together, so I'll try to post those soon, and write about the haircut, etc! :) Thanks so much for the comments on my last entry, and the encouragement!

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