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2007-03-31 - 12.40am previous entry next entry

Fourth toothie for Matthew! :)

Darn it, I did it again!! Sorry! Buddy lists will have shown me having updated. I really need to check which username I'm logged in with before I post entries!

But since I'm here.... Matthew cut his fourth tooth today! It's been stalling for EVER, so I'm glad it has finally cut through. I could almost see it through a HOLE in his gum for almost a week running and it never advanced at all in that time. Today it seems to have picked up where it left off, and has come through :) So he has his two bottom middle teeth, and his two top middles. A different order to Arthur, who got one of his lateral top teeth just before the second middle top one. I don't see any obvious signs of more on the way so maybe he'll take a break for now.

Tonight we had corn on the cob and Matthew managed to nibble some bits of corn off his with his new toothies! :) Arthur LOVED his, but wouldn't touch the lamb and potato pasty that went with it. He ate his own, finished Matthew's, and then asked to finish Neil's as well (he was allowed to)!

He seems better than he was, physically. I have tried to get him more iron sources in the food he WILL eat, and more frequently.

We're going out EVERY DAY and taking a packed lunch with us at the moment! We have been to feed the ducks at two different parks (on 3 different days!), been to the swings, visited Daddy at work for a few minutes after feeding some ducks at a park near where he works, and then driven to a different town so that I could look in a shop there (didn't find anything I wanted after all), and let Arthur run about on the big cricket green there. It was raining, so I put him in wellies and he had a blast. He ran and ran on the grass, chased pigeons, and spalshed, jumping up and down as hard as he could, in about FIFTY huge puddles, one after the other :) He loves "spwashing in puddoos".

He has just shouted out (it's after midnight), "HELP!" from a sound sleep. Neil is in bed with him already, but I think I will go just in case he needs me. He is awake because he's just followed that shout with a rather pitiful sounding "Need some hewp..." He hasn't really been having bad dreams since I prayed with him a couple of weeks ago or whenever it was. He had one during naptime a few days ago, and it was about "a man". But no others, thank God. I hate him having bad dreams. I think Matthew had one today during his afternoon nap. He woke with a start and cried SO hard instantly. Neil went to him and cuddled him, hoping he'd drop back to sleep, but he was absolutely distraught. I went in and he had tears streaming down his face. He looked visibly relieved to see me, and calmed down when I took him and breastfed him for a while. So I wonder if he had a bad dream? He's going through separation anxiety at the moment. Not terribly, but still. My sweet little boblet!

Meg is coming to visit on Monday! Yeep! I'm excited! She's staying pretty much all day :)

Neil is still applying for jobs like crazy, and interviewing with agencies too. He is really going for it this time. We need to move to a bigger house this year, so he has to, really.

I have photos, but alas, I haven't had chance to resize them yet. Will try to get onto that asap. Matthew stirring, must go to bed! Will try to update again soon.

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