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2008-07-12 - 1.14am previous entry next entry

Quiverfull comments...

Just a quick pointer to a long-winded entry (!) at my pregnancy diary. I wrote here about my thoughts and feelings on the "quiverfull" mindset of family planning a couple of entries back, and I also wrote about it at my pregnancy diary. I got three comments about it that I just spent a good while responding to at my pregnancy diary, and since it's relevant to this diary too, I wanted to make note of the link to that entry, so I don't ever have to rehash it all here! :)

Also, Nathan is six months old!!! He had his first drink of water from a sippy cup today! I can't believe I didn't get a photo :( He loved holding it by the handles and chewing the soft spout, and that's how he discovered that water comes out of it! He looked so surprised! He eventually figured out how to suck it but it wasn't interesting enough, so he went back to chewing. He is really teething at the moment - no sign of any teeth yet though. I am not really expecting him to get any till at least 8 months old, poor sausage! He's been teething for months already!

Okay, it's ridiculously late, and it's church in the morning so I MUST go to bed! Will post photos soon.

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