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2008-03-28 - 1:15 a.m. previous entry next entry

Poo :( And photos!

Thank you so much for the lovely comments on my last entry! :) It's actually a really good thing I wrote that entry, because I NEEDED to go back to look at it several times over the next couple of days, due to the boys just behaving atrociously, urgh! I still love them though.

Tonight it's late, but I am here anyway, for a few minutes. I am SO peeved. It's 1.15am and Arthur is currently awake and sobbing (Neil is with him). He was awake sobbing 5 minutes ago, 10 minutes before that, and Matthew was awake crying 5 minutes before that, 10 minutes before that, etc. They are both FULL of cold, and I mean chock-full. Ugh. That will explain why Matthew has been clingy and whiney for a couple of days, and why Arthur had a runny nose when I tucked him into bed tonight. Uggggggh. And, furthermore, it MIGHT explain why Nathan has been inexplicably screechy and inconsolable most of today. Ugggggggggggh.

Nathan has been snot-free for exactly ONE DAY, from the last cold (he's only 2 months old!!!) which lasted him THREE WEEKS! These things last sooooo long in small babies. The boys are so miserable. Arthur can't breathe and he gets a vacuum when he swallows, which is making him cry like his heart is breaking. And he doesn't want us to blow his nose. Matthew has been conked out since we gave him Calpol 40 minutes ago (even through Arthur's crying), but Arthur doesn't want Calpol.

I think I will just take Nathan to bed with me in a minute and not bother transferring him to the cot (he's asleep on the sofa next to me). If he gets congested in the night, there's nooooo way he'll sleep in that cot. He really isn't sleeping in it at all well at the moment. I was so looking forward to getting stuck into Baby Whisperer type stuff with his night sleep and naps (there are no such things as naps as yet - it's all random so far), but I had to wait till he was past the awful congestion from his cold. He can't figure out mouth-breathing, he's too little. So a cold is MISERABLE for him. I can't understand where they caught a cold though. I guess the only place it could have been was at church on Easter Sunday. But there was no creche and I don't recall them having contact with toys or direct contact with other kids. So it's a mystery to me.

I'm so fed up about it! I hate it when my sweeties are poorly, and it's especially hard to bear to see my TINY baby with a cold. It lasts so darned long and he can't breathe to feed or sleep, and thus I will not get sleep till like next week. I will have to hold him on me sitting up to help him breathe. I can't sleep sitting up (I'm just rubbish at that in general).

I'm just being selfish really, thinking of how tired *I'll* feel and how *my* back is going to ache, and how *I* might end up having another cold when *I* have only just started to get proper energy back from the last one which kicked my butt. Neil is still feeling kind of weak and tired from the last cold, because he had it last.

THANKFULLY, a new bottle of 1000mg Ester Vitamin C arrived this morning (eBay). We ran out right before the last cold, and this eBayer took AGES to send the new bottle I won. So we didn't have any Vit C when we were poorly last time. I'm soooo hoping it will make the difference for Neil and I this time.


And now, to cheer myself up before I head to bed, I will post a photo of my sweet boys (the older two!). They are being pulled on a "boat" across the "sea"! They LOVE this game. Matthew is waving bye-bye to me (blurry hand):

Also, the boys looking at the CBeebies website together on the laptop:

And drawing together with crayons (YAY! Matthew has finally reached the point where he can do this activity with Arthur! He's interested in drawing, and not eating the crayons ALL the time!):

Yay, I'm glad to have posted those! I think I have actually caught up with all the photos outstanding! I have a few new ones on my camera from the last couple of days, so I'll try to keep up with uploading and posting more regularly now, so I don't have such a backlog (and thus such a huuuge task to do!).

Um... I'm trying to think of something happy and positive to end on!

Sarah and Thea came round today to visit! Bennie (my brother) had to work. They hadn't met Nathan before (well, Bennie has) so it was exciting! Thea is 10 months old now. She's so big! She is crawling and pulling to standing on the furniture, and she's just gorgeous, so smiley and cheerful all the time. The boys LOVE her. Arthur helped to change her nappy and put her coat on when it was time for them to go home. He spoke to her like I do to the littlest ones, in the same sing-song tone, hehe! He was saying things like, "Come on Thea.... Let's put your arm-y in.... Let's just do your zippy up!" etc! I am so nauseating for the -y endings on words when I'm feeling mushy towards my little ones. It's an affliction. I soooo hope we didn't give her this new cold. *sigh*

Oh. Arthur is maybe sort of kinda starting to potty train. But only because we are having a Huge Poo Crisis and the potty is saving his bottom from getting toooo sore if he does it there instead of in his nappy. He's perfectly ready. We are just run off our feet and not finding time to start potty training him. And he doesn't seem to WANT to, which is fair enough. But right now, given the option of pooing (he's horribly constipated and starting to hold it in and not tell us when he's been, etc, thus the nasty rash and mucho pain when pooing) in his nappy, where we then have to clean him up amidst screaming and thrashing of limbs (and resulting poo EVERYWHERE and snapping patience), or in the potty, where he doesn't have to go through quite the same ordeal afterwards, PLUS we praise him and he gets Smarties - he is choosing to go on the potty. He would rather not, until we remind him that it's not so nice to have his pooey nappy changed these days, and ask him if he wouldn't rather do it on the potty. He ALWAYS tells us he has to poo before going. He sits and poos. No problems. He wore big boy pants yesterday because I casually wondered out loud whether he might like to wear pants which would be easier to pull up and down (subtle!). He said no, until I reminded him that he has some Roary the Racing Car pants put away somewhere, and then he said yes with shining eyes! And wore them for an hour, me reminding him every 10 minutes to tell me/get on the potty if he felt he needed to wee, and asking him if he needed a wee yet, etc. He said no every time, including about 60 seconds before he peed through the Roary pants and onto the carpet. So, not to great on the wee front. And no pants today, but he can whip his nappy off and sit on the potty easily enough to try to poo. He wees in the nappy without much thought. He DOES wee on the potty too, if he happens to be sitting there already. But his main progress on the potty is doing a poo there, which is great!

Anyway, potty training is by no means official, but he's doing things on it to save his poor bottomm (and our poor frayed nerves!).

And that is all for now. I will take my tiny boy up to bed and catch the sleep I can get before the sleeplessness kicks in. Ohhh, Matthew is awake and crying :(

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