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2006-12-09 - 12.58am previous entry next entry

Not really an entry after all

I am back when I promised but frustratingly can't type a proper entry right now. Matthew just woke as I was preparing to start writing a diary entry, and now I have settled him back to sleep, he is stirring every time I try to type anything :( I guess it's going to get harder to write my diary as he gets older, as I'm typing right next to his cot and he'll be increasingly disturbed by that. We so need more space in our house! There is not one single place for our computer to go other than here.

Okay, since starting this I have settled Arthur after he woke, and Matthew is now in a deeper sleep so hopefully I can get a diary entry written after all. It looks like Arthur woke earlier and then went back to sleep on top of the covers, so now he's cold and waking easily. I put him back in bed, but he woke asking for milk. I am re-night-weaning Arthur at the moment. I hadn't really noticed but since his nasty tummy bug I have been breastfeeding him again if he wakes during the evening and the "cut-off" time, after which I don't nurse him, was getting gradually later and later. Recently he's been breastfeeding if he wakes till about 2am. For the last week it has been really hard with the boys at night. They have each been waking 3 times in just the evening alone, every night, and not at the same times, so that's a crazy SIX times my evening is disturbed to go and resettle or nurse a little one. I haven't been able to get anything done, like my diary, as a result, and it has also started to just drive me crazy a bit. They also both wake in the night, Arthur a couple of times (usually resettled by Neil) and Matthew at least 3 times these days. So I figured it was time to re-night-wean Arthur.

Last time he was night-weaned he was sooo much younger - 13 months old, I think, and it was because I was just into my second trimester in my pregnancy with Matthew, and totally knackered from the night disturbances. He was waking about every 1.5 HOURS at that stage. Oh my gosh.

Oh MAN. Matthew is waking! Maybe I can't write an entry after all? Will just try to settle him....

Back, but he's a bit restless. Both boys have colds at the moment - it's only Matthew's second cold. So far their colds seem really mild so I'm kind of hoping it will stay that way and maybe they are being helped by my milk, but then I know Arthur has had plenty of stuff that was really nasty despite the immunities in my milk. But they are not too bad at the moment. We're at the sneezy, runny nose stage (the beginning) so far, and I know it will get more bothersome as they get gunky and congested in a couple of days. I will be tiptoeing around the house like a little fairy, sprinkling Karvol all over everything, like it's magic fairy dust, hehe! Anyway maybe that is why Matthew is more wakeful right now, but he's been fine before this and still wakeful. He is mostly disturbed by rolling onto his back. It wakes him and he doesn't like sleeping on his back. I thought it would get easier as he got used to doing it, but no sign of that yet, and it has been a month or two so far. Urgh.

Anyway. So now that Arthur is older, I can use a different approach to night-wean him - one that I have heard good things about from other mothers who still breastfeed their toddlers. I simply go to him and when he reaches for me, saying, �Mulk!� I tell him that Mummy�s breasties (don�t ask why on earth we call them that, it just seemed to happen � Arthur calls them �bests� :) ) have gone to sleep and so she can�t give Arthur milk right now. The first time I said that, he cried and tried asking again, and cried some more when I told him they were asleep the second time, but after that he pretty much went to sleep. He didn�t wake again that evening! The second evening he cried but didn�t ask again, and didn�t wake again the rest of that evening either. Then he got a sore throat and would wake in the night saying, �Hurt!� and asking for a �cuggoo�, so once we were able to get him to tell us where it was hurting and realised his throat was sore, I nursed him again in the night. I want to soothe his poor throat if it hurts, and it�s only for a time, till he feels better. I�m more than willing to do that for him. He didn�t want water in the night like usual. Since then he has been a little bit poorly with starting a cold so I�ve been nursing him in the evenings and up till about 2am again, if he wakes (which he does). Tonight when he woke I told him Mummy�s breasties had gone to sleep and he forced a cross-sounding cry for a few seconds, and then turned over and told me crossly, �Mummy burp!� which, politely translated, means, �Mummy, please pat my back like you do when you burp Matthew, and that will make me feel sleepy again� ;) He went to sleep quickly though.

It�s so late now, with all the disturbances this evening. I can�t really write much more now, which is a shame, as I soooo wanted to just write cheery waffle and post photos, etc. That kind of diary entry is such fun to write!

I think I am just going to post a bunch of photos and then go to bed. I want to write lots of things that Arthur is saying these days, before I forget them, but Matthew is so stirry while I�m typing, so I�d better not for now :( I�ll try again tomorrow or the next day, maybe. Here are some photos, so that I don�t get toooo behind on those!

Thank you so much for the comments � thanks Jemma for the fish oil link, will try to get some soon! I removed the blinkie that said, �Co-sleeping, breastfeeding, no-spanking mama!� I had actually forgotten I had that one, and I feel so embarrassed that it has been there all this time declaring me to be a no-spanking mama after I had stopped being one.
Also the co-sleeping � we�re a co-sleeping family in that Arthur co-sleeps, but I�m not the co-sleeping parent any more.

Thank you SO much to Sarah for the wonderfully generous offer of the buggy board!!!! I don�t have an email address to get in touch with you, but I�d love to take you up on your offer! Does my email not work even with the �nospam� taken out of the address? I added that in there to prevent spam emails. If not, just leave me your email and I�ll get in touch straight away! Thanks so much!! :)

Okay, no photos after all. It�s nearly 1am and Matthew woke all snotty and snuffly, and Neil and I can�t get him back to sleep so I�m rapidly bashing this last sentence off and posting the entry with Matthew watching me excitedly and squealing! Urgh. Night night. Will update again tomorrow I hope.

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