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2006-10-03 - 11.46pm previous entry next entry


See my sweet darling little lovelies in my new diary photo?!! I can't believe I have two such precious people that came from my own body! They are just so so so so precious to me. I am just about the luckiest Mummy alive, I mean LOOK at them! Okay so I am somewhat biased and being rather what's-the-word about it, but I can't help myself. Looking at that photo makes my ovaries squeeze, hehe! I can tell I'm going to have to limit my own access to that photo (and others like it!) whenever I get my periods back and start being all fertile again ;)

Anyway, ffffinally!!! A photo where both my boys are looking at me and smiling! :) Okay so Arthur has his hand in front of his mouth, but oh well. If I take an even lovelier photo at some point down the line, I'll replace it again! Here are some other photos from the same little "session" - it's quite easy to get all these attempts at a nice photo, because Arthur constantly wants to "hoe" Matthew (hold him) or to "doe down" (lie down) next to him, and of course then I whip out the camera and hey presto! :) They are both smiley boys so it's not so hard, but they get distracted easily so they rarely seem to be smiling at me at the same moment!

Arthur was giving Matthew a kiss in the last one :)

I feel sooooooooo behind again, just with a week or whatever it's been since I last updated. Neil's week off work disappeared, and we're both more tired than when he started it! He has laid a new lawn in the garden and smashed down the barbeque. And the skip is half full. And um. I can't remember what else. It took waaaay longer than he'd expected. I got way less time with him around to give me a break than *I* expected. I wish we'd just somehow managed to pay a gardener to do it, but Neil still thinks it was worth doing. I just feel desperate for some time out, like a few days running at least. Next week he may have to go on a one-night overnight trip to France with his company for some client meeting. Both boys currently wake randomly in the night and need us to resettle them - at the moment Matthew can take quite a lot of work to resettle, and the last few nights I have had to wake Neil to help me. I can't even bring myself to think of a night without any help, with little ones who are that needy at night! He thinks maybe he can ask his sister to come and stay with me, but I don't know.... Anyway, I am refusing to think about it for now!

So I didn't get time to sew, or read the many diaries that I'm crazily behind on, or anything. But I did play The Sims 2 last night :) Yay! It's weird how I feel just a touch more organised the next day, after getting into a groove of organising a busy Sim family! I know that's weird of me or something, but I do notice a slight difference in how organised I feel after I play The Sims, haha!

Anyway, quickly, because Neil is making sausages and mash (mmmmmm!) and I don't want to be all evening on the computer tonight - Matthew caught Arthur's cold, but he had it ever so mildly, which is a big relief! Poor little love has been soooo congested in the last few days as it does the "clear out" stage. That's why it has been so much harder to resettle him at night. Then Arthur came down with a brand new cold, a record 8 days after the start of the last one! He was still snotty from the last one, but he just streeeamed and streamed and his runny nose was clear and not green (sorry!), so I knew it was a new one. He's doing okay though, and is cheery as ever. This cold seems mildish too. I'm still clutching to the hope that my milk is making it milder for him and not that he's just warming up for some humdingers once the season gets underway! Yesterday when I finally got them both down for naps in the afternoon, I left Arthur sounding like a propellor engine breathing through his nose, and then I crept into the other bedroom to peek in at Matthew who was sleeping in his cot bed, and the sound of Arthur's propellor faded out as I left his room, and an even tinier Matthew-propellor sound faded in as I approached my tiny boy :( I am taking plenty of vitamin C!

Today we all went to the doctor for various things - Arthur was prescribed antihistamine medicine for how he keeps banging his nose on everything and rubbing it like it itches, to see if it's allergy-related. But he couldn't tolerate the taste so I went back to get a different one, to see if it's any easier for him. That's the only other one, so I hope he'll take it! Also I asked about his sweats and high-energyness, and the doctor says she thinks he's fine. She says he's probably just a very active little boy (some are more so than others, she says) and excited at Playgroup, and maybe working out some frustrated energy too. She says he is getting on wonderfully with Matthew but that doesn't mean he is without frustrations over the changes in the last few months. So anyway, that's helpful to know.

Matthew has a nappy rash that we've been treating with 2 different creams for weeks and weeks, and it's just not going. I mentioned it to the Health Visitors when I took the boys to the Baby Clinic on Friday (more on that in a mo!) and they said it was unusual to see nappy rash problems in a baby who wears cloth nappies - that's what I thought too. Anyway they said it might be thrush so I should take him to the doctor. She thinks he has a combination of eczema-ish rash (again, poor Matthew - just as we've got the eczema on his neck, back and chest under control with this new cream!), and possibly a fungal infection :( So she's prescribed him some cream that will treat both things. He can only use it for 2 weeks because it's got steroids in it. And also we noticed at the weekend that Matthew had some dry bleeding skin in between two of his toes - the poor sausage! The doctor says he has a little athlete's foot!!! How can a 3-month-old have athlete's foot?! She told me to be sure and give his feet some air time (without socks on) each day and stuff like that. But Matthew NEVER wears socks in the house, and I dry his toes after baths (which don't actually happen as often as I'd like for him anyway). So it's weird. She asked if he had been in contact with fungus (!!) of any sort, and I said no. But then I DO have the itchy ear thing back since yesterday. It seemed to clear up on its own, and now it's back with a vengeance. I want to pull. my. ears. off. Seriously. Just the pinna though - that bit of the outside of your ear at the top. I googled and thought it might be a fungal infection of the skin or something (how, though?!). The doctor thinks it's eczema - although why it's suddenly started I have no idea. She said I should use some of Matthew's cream for it and it should clear up. Matthew has a different cream for his athlete's foot. Poor Matthew!

Anyway. Oh yes, the baby clinic! It's been 3 weeks since I had Matthew weighed so I wanted to find out what he weighs now. He is at about the 20th percentile or just below, so another teeny tiny drop but there is beginning to be a nice pattern of a curve on the chart, which shows he is growing healthily but just at a lower percentile, so that's fine. Phew! He weighed 13lbs 1oz at 15 weeks. Arthur, at 14 weeks, weighed 15lbs 1oz!!! He was a chunker though ;) I had Arthur weighed as well, and he was 29lbs 8oz, up on the percentile chart for the first time since before my milk dried up in the first half of my pregnancy, so I'm pretty sure it's the mama milk that's doing it :) He is now at the 80th percentile again, where he was before I got pregnant. They weighed him on a standing scale wearing his clothes, nappy and shoes though! So I'm not sure whether to attach that much faith to the reading given that it won't be totally accurate.

The health visitors were lovely as usual. They complimented me on my boys, told me they weren't surprised I had a stomach ulcer, boggled at Arthur's energy as he bounced off the walls the whole time we were there, and told me to consider a) weaning Arthur, and b) getting him in some sort of paid, leave-him-there playgroup at least two mornings a week, to give myself a break. *sigh* I don't know what to do about all that. I don't want to wean him, and I don't really want to leave him anywhere at his young age. I know plenty of kids/mothers do it, but I personally think it's too young. If we DID do it there would obviously be benefits, both for Arthur and for me, but I just feel that those are benefits that will simply come later on otherwise, and which aren't necessary to life just now. Except for the "me needing a break" thing. But Arthur doesn't need to be without me yet. That will come soon enough as it is, without me rushing it!

However, I did take the number of the children's information service local to me, and I called them to enquire about playgroups (the leave-them-there kind) in the area, at least to get him on the waiting list for one I like. It's time to do that, even if I don't want to actually leave him anywhere yet. The waiting lists can be long, so I need to get started now. It has been weird to look at the list they sent me, and start assessing the different places. I realised how much I SO TOTALLY DON'T WANT TO LET HIM GO! I am so attached to Arthur. At the age he's at now, it's a GOOD thing, and he benefits from being attached to me now. But the time is coming (way too fast suddenly!) where he will need to start stepping out and doing more independent things. I will need to step back just that little bit and allow part of our day to be without each other. I just can't fathom what it might be like NOT to be aware of what he's doing at every moment of the day or night! Seriously. I always see what he's doing. He never worries about whether I'm there, but *I* always see what he's doing. It feels like a loss of... not control, something else that I can't put my finger on, to leave him somewhere and not be able to see for myself exactly what he's doing throughout the time he's there - how he reacts to things, what his expression is when somebody says something to him, every tiny detail that I normally see for myself. I know I will hear about his time there, but it won't be the same and I feel sad about that. I am beginning to see more and more why so many mothers leave their kids at a new playgroup or nursery in tears - it's such a huge emotional wrench to leave a part of you behind, because for me, that's what Arthur is. He's a part of me, like a limb or something. I never realised quite how much until I started seriously contemplating moving on and taking him to a playgroup and leaving him there. I already feel like it's going to ache and ache to leave him and I'll miss him so much, even for an hour or so. Is that crazy? I just love him so much. He's been part of my life 24/7 (quite literally for most of his life!) for almost 2 years and we have not ever been without him. I mean, we haven't ever been out and had somebody babysit. We've never left him in the church creche even, we stay with him.

I think the first thing to do is going to be leaving him at the church creche. That's an easy start. He seems ever so confident and secure in general, out and about, and never looks for me while he's playing. But then he has never once had any cause to question that I might not be there. He seems a little more clingy to me at the moment, while he's had these two colds though.

Anyway. I can't BELIEVE it's October and that means my baby boy is going to be two years old next month!!!! Yikes! Where did the time go?! I have noooo idea what to do for his birthday. It falls on a Thursday and Neil is going to take the day off work. We want him to have a nice birthday! I don't know what we'll do on the day though - we'll probably try to think of all the things he likes doing best and do them. That seems like the nicest thing for Arthur. I hope he won't be ill that day. I feel like I want to mark the occasion with a party or something, but my parents won't be here (they're coming over a week or so before his birthday for some other reason), our house is toooo tiny for many people (especially kids!) and anyway, he doesn't actually have a social circle yet. He sees LOADS of kids at playgroups, but he doesn't play WITH them much and isn't at the age for building up relationships with other kids yet. Except for Joshie, so maybe something small with Joshie? But I don't know what. Anyway, there will be homemade cake, whatever we do! :) I can't decide what theme to do for the cake though. He likes so many things, and those could even change by November! So I'll wait a couple more weeks to decide.

He's so into playgroup at the moment! We went to a smaller one today and he looked pretty bored. It was in one small room and just had a few different activities laid out, and he just likes SPACE and running or riding cars and stuff. He likes to paint and draw and build and he is getting ever so into pretend play these days, and he likes anything to do with toy cars, but he mostly likes to RUN. This playgroup did not have space for him to run and he seemed frustrated with that. It took a lot of work on my part to interest him in pretend cooking in the play kitchen, but he was keen on that after a while. He hates sitting still for story time or singing. This kind of thing is a great pointer for us when we choose which playgroup he'll go to. It HAS to be one with an outdoor play area and lots of space and energetic activities. There seem to be lots without these criteria, but we know we can't send him to one of those. They wouldn't suit Arthur at all.

Playgroup yesterday was good. Arthur was full of cold, but he was eager to go and I remembered the golden rules which state that you should take your kids to playgroup with colds, so we went. I wore Matthew on my front, facing out in the Hug-a-Bub for the first time, and it was fine. It was much comfier than the Baby Bjorn, and he didn't want to come out to be held or fed or anything so I didn't have to fiddle about with it there. But it did get looser and looser as time went by, and I was in the loos twice, yanking and cranking at the straps to try and tighten it with Matthew still in it! I'll have to do it really tight from the start next time and see if that helps. I got a couple of comments on the Hug-a-Bub, but mostly I got a lot of stares that I wasn't sure were all that friendly. I don't know. Most of the mums there carry their babies in carseats and leave them in another ROOM asleep while they go and chat in a circle of mums, so maybe they thought I was being all weird or something. I don't care. I'm not there for my own social life. I admit I keep myself to myself unless I'm approached, and even then I'm shy and find conversation a bit awkward. If I meet someone who I have loads in common with and we hit it off, I am very different with that person - not shy at all. But I don't really put myself out there. I am just there for Arthur really, to take him there so he can let off steam and have some fun! If I meet other mums and enjoy a social moment, that's a bonus for me. If not, I'm happy watching my little ones.

Okay the evening is disappearing! I wanted to just write a few quick things that Arthur is doing/saying before they become old news again and something else is new!

He pretends a lot these days! He crawls about saying excitedly, "Lion!" or "Ti-gah!" and then says "Rrrraaarr!" a lot, hehe :) He likes to be a lion or a tiger. He also loves to play cooking or cleaning, but he's been doing that for a while. I built him a little den/tent thing in the living room last week and Monkey and I paid him a visit (very cordial it was!). Monkey arrived first, and knocked on the door saying, "Can I come in?" and this little voice floated out from under the tent, "Yes..." so in went Monkey (in my hand, obviously) and I heard Arthur giggle :) Then I knocked and said, "Can I come in?" and heard, "Yes..." so I went under the tent too! Arthur was mixing furiously in a plastic bowl with a spoon, and told me he was making "beeeens!" for "teee!" He spoon fed Monkey his tea, but allowed me a little more independence, hehe! He's clearly practising for being a 9-year-old boy though - his favourite part of the once-sophisticated tea party was when Monkey started farting after eating all those beans. *sigh* He CRIED laughing while he breathlessly told me, "Mump-mee, farp! Pwwoooar! SKINKS!" over and over.

He now knows when there are two of something, and I hear him gleefully say, "Two!" during his play throughout the day as he picks up another of something he's already holding, or something like that. He'll pick up one of my hands and then take the other one and say, "Two!" He only ever says "two" now when there actually are two of something, so I think he really does know "two". He uses "two" for counting games as well. Like he's seen a TV programme where some kids are playing hide-and-seek, counting with their eyes covered before they go and look for their friends, and today I saw him standing in the living room with his hands over his eyes, going, "...Two.... (whip hands away from eyes)... Ed-or-nop!" (ready or not! Hehe!) He only ever says, "two" at the moment, not any of the other numbers, before he calls "ed-or-nop!". Today I was singing a song from playgroup, doing the actions with Matthew while Arthur was eating his tea. It's that song that goes, "Zoom, zoom, zoom, we're going to the moon. Zoom, zoom, zoom, we'll get there very soon. Five, four, three, two, one, BLAST OFF!!!" The actions require me to swing Matthew (or Arthur, when we're at playgroup) into the air on the words "BLAST OFF!" After he finished his tea, he sat at the table for ages with his drink in front of him, clutching it in his hands and singing, "...Two... Baaaah!" and swinging the drink into the air on "Baaaah!" Funny boy :)

I give him so much attention and praise when he says colours and numbers, that I have noticed him use that when I am doing the sleep-separation thing with him at bedtime. It's where I have to ignore him but stay with him till he's asleep. He lies there saying, "White, reh, blooo, two, nine, shheeess!" hehe! I know he's trying to get my attention, since that normally works in the day ;)

His latest new words are things like, "sing" and "walk", and he is saying a LOT more things like, "lie down". He communicates a lot more just in the last week about actions he wants me to carry out. Like if he wants me to put Matthew down, he'll say, "Ma-ma, pop DOWN eeyah!" (put Matthew down here!). It's taking us ages to work out his new directions, but it's lovely to finally understand that "Ma-ma, bing dam" means he wants me to bring Matthew downstairs! He is less frustrated when I can finally comprehend what he's saying and tell him that Matthew is asleep so Mummy can't bring him down just yet, rather than looking at him blankly and apologising after a few pathetic attempts! He is getting very assertive about what he wants us to do WHEN he wants it! He will come to me when I'm sitting on the sofa, grasp my hand and pull up and out towards him, saying, "Walk, tit-tin" (walk to the kitchen). Once I've let him lead me by the hand into the kitchen, it's, "Up! Bub-bub" (lift me up to the cupboard!) and then once he's in my arms with the open cupboard in front of him, he smiles and says, "Dip-dit!" (biscuit!), hehe! Notice he has no qualms about eating when it comes to dip-dits, eye-deem (ice-cream), gake, or cuk-uk (chocolate)! He does NOT get those things to eat however. He has ice-cream with chopped bananas occasionally for dessert if he ate a good tea or something. But that doesn't stop him asking for the stuff all the time! He has a sweet tooth like his mummy :)

He comments on everything these days, with lots of expression in his words, which is something I am so sad that I can't really convey when I write about his sayings in my diary. I just can't seem to get his tone of voice across in my writing here, and that is sometimes the biggest cute-factor, more so than the way he pronounces the words. I love when he goes to the window, peers out and says, "Oh NO!" (startled) and then after a pause, "Nooo" (sadly) followed by, "Wayne, wet, oh no" He gets so sad about the rain because I think he remembers a couple of occasions where I've told him we can't go out right now because it's raining. But I haven't said that for ages, and usually we just go out anyway with wellies (he has his first welly boots (size 6), with the Teletubbies on them, and he LOVES them!) and a raincoat and get wet! But he still seems sad about it. Sometimes he'll say, "Walk, no." and look sad. He says "no" after a word to tell us that it's something he can't do or isn't doing, or something he can't find. So, "Car, no" if he can't find the car he's looking for, or "Guck, no" for when he's lost his drink and can't see it. Or "Daddy, no" if Neil isn't there when he wants him to be. It's very endearing! He uses the word "cuggo" (cuddle) a lot now when he's tantrumy or upset about something, or if I've told him he can't have something that he wants. That's usually swiftly followed by "mung" which is the latest pronounciation of the word "milk", which was "mum" only last week! But lately I am pretty much only giving him milk first thing in the morning, at nap time and at bed time.

I am working on his meals. He has gone off the only 3 foods he would eat, and seems more panicky and fussy around food than ever, so I figured enough was enough and I am just putting much more variety in front of him, even though he won't TOUCH it, and then refusing to let him fill up on milk till bedtime or nap time or whatever. That way, he doesn't starve because if he really is hungry by bedtime then he can have a good breastmilk feed, but he should also become aware that if he doesn't eat food he is going to feel hungry, and hopefully start trying to eat new things a bit more. He took a bite of tuna and mayo sandwich today but spat it back out again. But that's a HUGE improvement. Normally he won't even touch the food, and makes a phlegm-at-the-back-of-the-throat sound just looking at it!

He's continuing to combine words to make himself understood. The other day he kept on trying to bite the blue lights off his toy police car. I warned him not to do it or I would put it up on the high shelf out of his reach. He did it again straight away (he's testing me EVER such a lot lately), so I immediately took it from him and put it up on the shelf, explaining to him why I was doing it. He listened, and then went into the kitchen, and reappeared with a plastic food tub, which he placed upturned on the sofa seat next to the shelves. Then he looked at me and pointed to the box, saying, "Ah-yah, nana, reeach" (Arthur, police car, reach!) very matter-of-factly! Little monkey! Of course he did not get to do what he planned and I explained exactly why not! He is soooo honest at the moment. He can't help but tell me the truth about something, even if it means he gets disciplined for it! There is a rule that if he's riding his car, he must not drive it into Mummy, Daddy, or Matthew, OR the mat if Matthew is on it on the floor. If he does so, his car gets taken away and put behind the stair gate thingy where he can't reach it for a while. He doesn't like this at all, but he still tries us out for size. He will ride RIGHT up to the forbidden person/thing, and just stop short. If he does drive into me, I say to him, "Did you just drive into Mummy?" and he says, "Yah", even though it's like he then realised that he's dropped himself in it and starts to protest straight away as I take the car away.

Discipline with Arthur is still a challenge. Half the time he is just pent up with energy and frustration over it, which is why he acts up in the first place. I really need to help him with that rather than sit at home, creating the situation FOR him and then punish him for his reaction to it. But some of the time he is really testing me to see if I'll be consistent, and I'm trying to be. It's hard work. In the past (not too far back even), we have smacked him a few times, but not recently. I don't want to smack him at ALL. We used the naughty chair with him again twice last week, wondering if he's nearly old enough yet. We were going to start that again when he was two, but he's nearly two and sometimes I have no idea what else to do to discipline him, so... It seemed to work, but it took over 30 times of putting him back on the naughty chair before he sat out his time there, which actually meant that the whole process of disciplining him over something took the best part of an hour - continually focusing on it, which was hard work and it also meant that other things got put off because of it. But it's supposed to get better with perseverance! I used a similar technique at the doctor's today in the waiting room. He was running off and I was telling him to stay in the waiting room where I could see him. There's an aquarium and some children's books, but he just wanted to run away, probably because he knew I didn't want him to. I brought him back and told him that if he ran away again I would sit him on my lap and he would have to sit still with Mummy for a while. He ran away immediately, so I sat him on my lap. Matthew was in the pushchair SCREAMING this whole time (as usual), and I was wrestling a human EEL while people looked on. After a few minutes I let him down and told him again what would happen if he ran away. He took 3 paces away from me, adopted an over-exaggerated about-to-dash-away-gleefully pose, and shouted, "Wun 'WAY!" And then did just that, elbows pumping, beaming from ear to ear. Urrrgh. Then I wrestled him onto my lap for another few minutes while Matthew continued to scream. Fun fun. The receptionist took pity on me in the end and asked if I would like her to pick Matthew up. I said yes PLEASE, so she did, and as she lifted my tiny sobby boy out of the pushchair, he stopped crying immediately and looked around the room as though he was wondering where he was, and he looked soooooooo cute, I wish I could tell you how much, lol! Every woman in the room did this gasp with their hand to their chest, hehehe! I love that :) Anyway that was so helpful. I just focused on Arthur while the entire female staff descended on my smallest son and squatted down around the chair where the receptionist was sitting with him on her lap, cooing and stroking his cheeks and so on. Matthew absolutely soaked it up, giving them winning smiles and cooing his best chat-up lines, hehe!

Speaking of Matthew - here are a few recent photos of him! First, that beloved bug again - he's getting so strong on his tummy!

And a rare dummy photo - he seems to have a vulnerable time of day, no matter how well he's slept during the day, where he is just fragile and hard to console. It's the end of his day so it's probably just accumulative tiredness or overstimulation, even though sometimes he's only been up since his last nap for an hour or less. Anyway, he'll cry that WHOLE time, a couple of hours sometimes, if he's not held constantly or rocked just right, etc. I can't do that for him like I wish I could, with Arthur's tea to get ready and then tea time to see to during that time. He seems to want to suck more than anything else during that time, as though he is in need of extra comfort at this most vulnerable part of the day for him. So once I realised that I started to offer him a dummy once he started showing signs of getting that way around 4 or 5pm, and he's better with that. He still cries on and off, and I have to keep popping a dropped dummy back in, but there is SO much less crying involved overall that I'm very glad to have those dummies. I hold him as much as I can during that time too, and once or twice on a bad day I have managed to make tea and supervise Arthur eating it with Matthew in one arm the whole time! It's HARD work though, so the dummies really help me with that.

He just LOOKS vulnerable in that photo, my little lambie love :(

He's getting balder and balder in certain places on his head, but maintaining the mohawk nicely, hehe! It is getting a little thinner actually, but it's still there. The hair that remains has grown almost an INCH since he was born! Underneath the balder areas, I can see the beginnings of new hair growing in, and you will not believe it, but it's BLOND!!!! I am still not sure I've seen right yet, because I just can't believe we can produce a blond child with our genes! And it's early days. But it's definitely blond. Only the finest downy few millimetres of hair so far, but whitish blond in colour. I can't believe it! Dark-haired, brown-eyed Arthur, and BLOND-haired, blue-eyed Matthew! How crazy. But I'm sure if it IS blond that he won't stay that way. He has brown eyelashes and eyebrows, although they are lighter than Arthur's ever were, so I know he'll be fairer than Arthur. They DID used to look ginger/red, but they look more brown these days. It's a mystery, still! I'll just have to wait a while longer to see what his hair will REALLY do.

Matthew is really ticklish, much more than Arthur was at his age. He giggles when I snuffle his ribs or armpits, and it's pretty much the only thing he'll actually chuckle at, so you can imagine I'm doing that a LOT, hehe! He smiles SUCH a lot though, and enjoys sounds that I made when I talk to him. He makes the start of a laugh sound but then doesn't chuckle. His laugh sounds exactly like Arthur's did at his age (and pretty much still does). I LOVE Arthur's laugh, it's infectious - so I'm really happy to hear Matthew's sounding the same!

We went to church AGAIN on Sunday - 3rd time running, yay!!! It was great. This time it really started to feel like we were a part of the church again. We decided (or rather, I did, and then we discussed it and agreed) that it's time we started giving (financially) to the church again - we haven't in years and years. We are a bit strapped for cash so it's a leap of faith to support the church financially. It's something I LOVE doing, because it feels sooooo good to give money away so recklessly, haha! And it's always always always an opportunity to watch my faithful God just step in and provide for us financially.

I went forward for prayer at the end of church again on Sunday - I think I'm going to do that every Sunday for a while, because I REALLY need it and it's wonderful to be prayed for/with over pressing issues at this time in my life. Also lately every single sermon is twanging some nerve in me and I end up needing to go forward for prayer in response to that. I love worshipping God with Matthew in my arms :) Neil is often chasing Arthur around the building, as he never stands still for a second, but then I can't remember a time at my church where there haven't been parents doing that with their toddlers during the worship time! They are in creche after that though. Matthew did a HUGE belch of a burp during a hear-a-pin-drop quiet moment while somebody was sharing a "picture" that they felt God was showing them, hehe! Babies never seem to burp, or choke on fast-flowing breast milk during a noisy song, do they? They seem to save that for those quiet moments!

Okay Matthew is waking (it's late now) and I have to go. Back soon though! :)

Recent entries.....

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Christmas Eve! - 2008-12-24
Long-overdue update, a few Nathey pics and a video clip :) - 2008-12-01
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