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2007-10-06 - 4.51pm previous entry next entry

Almost an entry!

Another way-too-huge gap between entries! Again, I have been wanting to update for ages, but just haven't had chance. I update at my pregnancy diary mostly, but even that is only weekly at the moment. I just never seem to find the time it takes to write alllll the newsy stuff about the boys and so on. Today is Saturday, and the boys are at the local swings with Neil. They won't be gone for much longer, so I'm probably crazy to start a diary entry but oh well. Otherwise I will just NEVER write one! We'll see how much I get done. Maybe I'll have to post what I've done, and try again another time, or maybe I'll feel in the middle of something and save it on Word to finish later (that's what I usually end up doing). We'll see.

So, it had better be bullet-points again this entry!

* Just to update on my last entry, baby Copeland died just over a week after birth. Please pray for this lovely family (link last entry)! I can't fathom what they're going through right now.

* I took the boys to Cameron's grave a couple of weeks ago - September 24th was 4 years since he died. I can't believe it's been four years already, it's crazy. They filled my heart with joy and gladness, watching their sweet little toddly selves running and chasing each other around the cemetary, their giggles ringing out across the empty place. There was nobody else there that afternoon. I took some photos of them playing with the windmills on Cameron's grave (Cam has a new stone gravestone as well, since I last visited, but the original wooden engraved cross is still there with it), but I don't think I will post them because Cam's full name is visible in the photos on his gravestone. I don't like my full name known on the internet, so I would want to protect anyone else's too. I miss that boy. But it was not a sad time when I took my little boys to his grave - thank you God for my blessings!

It did result in a long talk with Arthur about death and graves and Cameron, probably 98% of which he is too little to comprehend yet! I read that little children (under 4?) aren't actually able to comprehend the permanence of death yet - they haven't reached that stage of psychological development. Arthur isn't even 3 yet so I knew he it would be beyond him. But he needed some sort of explanation about the place we were visiting, and what the graves were, and who Cameron was and why he isn't here any more.

I think the boys are back ALREADY! Oh well. I guess I will be saving this for later then! Will try to do a proper (probably LONG) entry this evening after they're asleep, and post photos this time too.

Actually I think I will post this now, and then have a slightly shorter post later without these paragraphs at the start! ;) It's just a pre-emptive entry, or something, hehe! Back later :)

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