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2007-06-14 - 12.59am previous entry next entry

Matthew's First Birthday - just a quick entry for now...

Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes for Matthew, and the sweet comments on my letter! :)

It's soooo late and I am tired out with a headache - I am nuts for even still being awake and on the computer! *sigh* BUT, I did want to just say SOMETHING here on Matthew's birthday! He's officially a year old now, as his time of birth was late in the evening :)

I can't believe I have a one-year-old again! My kids are aged 2 and 1. And another on the way! Yikes! I'm so happy.

We had a great day - our little birthday party went well. I have FIFTY-TWO photos, but allll of them would be severe overload (!) so I have chosen four of my favourites to post tonight. I will write about the day and post a ton more photos soon, but I don't know how soon because it's just hard to find time to update properly at the moment. That's why I really wanted to post some pictures tonight. My next diary priority over the next day or so will be my pregnancy diary, since I need to update there. I don't have time tonight, but quickly to update on the spotting for anyone who reads there too - it went before bed yesterday, stayed away most of today and came back as before around 5pm. I didn't see a doctor today, but I will tomorrow, if I can get an appt. I'll update about it tomorrow at my pregnancy diary.

But back to the point of tonight's entry! My beautiful boo-bean is ONE! He's teething this evening and seems miserable about something. I'm worried his tummy is hurting him because he keeps putting his hand to a specific spot on his abdomen and making desperate communicating efforts with his eyes while he cries :( Poor Matthew. I don't know what it is, but hopefully he'll sleep okay. I gave him teething stuff when he woke this evening and breastfed him, but he still didn't settle well. Other than that he has been happy and energetic all day! My sweet boo!

Okay, that really is all I have time for. Neil took a lot of video footage too so will look at that soon and see if there is anything to upload and post here. Here are my favourite photos (some of them!) from today, in chronological order! I feel highly cringey about posting the first one here, for some reason, as it is such a ME photo and I feel squeamish about photos of me, especially very clear ones! But I LOVE it, because it's me and my Mathsie-woo! It was taken right after we blew out his cake candle and sang happy birthday (hence the darkened room and flash!). Then there's one of MANY taken outside (you'll see more of those soon!) which I love soooo much. I waited ages for him to turn around just right when I called his name, camera poised! ;) I love how it came out. I think I might even print and frame that one, it's so lovely! Then there's Matthew being full of monkeyness after his bath this evening, and then finally conked out in bed, which he took FOREVER to do - it was 9.20pm before either of the boys were asleep, ugh. They will not be so well off for that late night, but I hope they might make it up in naps tomorrow or something?

Anyway - photos!

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