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2007-01-09 - 11.39pm previous entry next entry

A first for each boy...

Shortest entry EVER, as it's too late to even start one! Two bits of boy news:

Arthur's first ever prayer tonight at bedtime: "Shank-you Dee-duz ah Mummy Milk" (trans. "Thank you, Jesus, for Mummy Milk") HOW precious is that?! :) What an apt "first thing" for him to feel thankful for :) His favourite thing today, just as I went to breastfeed him in bed tonight? "Like Dee-duz" :)

Matthew crawled yesterday for the first time!!!! He was DESPERATE like never before to reach something - Arthur and I had playdough out and he was beside himself about not being able to do it too! It ended up sort of funny in how different it was from when my first child crawled for the first time. That time we were being all "first-time parents" about it and never missed a single move he made, always encouraging and coaxing and stuff like that. With Matthew, I was so preoccupied with Arthur's constant demands and questions and things while we were doing playdough. I just had this awareness of a small person trying to squiggle too close to the playdough, out of the corner of my eye, and so I was absentmindedly lifting him away from it each time he got near to it. It was only after I had lifted him 2 or 3 times in a row that I realised I was having to do that awfully frequently, as in, he must be moving much faster than usual to make me have to lift him back so soon after the last time I did it! I was kind of thinking, exasperated, "Ohhh Matthew!! Stay put!" and then realised, "Oh my goodness, he must be CRAWLING to the playmat!" hehe! So I put him two feet away and watched, and up he went onto his hands and knees, incredible determination all over his face, and crawled the five little hand-hand-knee-knee-hand movements that it took to reach the playdough stuff and then flopped down onto his tummy! I did it again and he did the same thing without hesitation. I phoned my mum and Neil straight away, and gave Matthew a safe playdough tool to chew on as a reward - he really just wanted something from that box to put in his mouth, so he was happy! Arthur kept saying, "Oh my GOONISS!!" over and over, and, "Mah-shew CAWL!!" :) But he was tired and cranky after that and would not do it again when Neil got home. Today he seems to have forgotten how on earth he did it the first time (!!) and hasn't seemed able to do it again. He is mighty frustrated about that today, poor sausage. I'm sure he'll get it again soon. It was quite some motivation that time though, so maybe that's what made the difference.

Anyway, big milestone for Tiny Boo! Six months, 3 weeks and 4 days old. A couple of months (almost) younger than Arthur was. If he does it again I'll try to get it on camcorder and post it here :)

LOTS more to write and as always, the post-Christmas stuff to write and post the photos, etc, but no time right now. Neil back at work and I'm super knackered. Matthew waking like crazy at night at the mo, and I'm not used to the days after Neil's long break. I'll be used to it in a day or so, I'm sure.

Here are a few rather blurry photos (especially of that particular little boy who does not ever stop moving!) that I took of the little boysies a few days after Christmas! Sorry about the blurriness. I like Matthew's smiles so I wanted to post them anyway :) I will be back again soon!

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