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2005-07-14 - 5.00pm previous entry next entry

Survey thingy and stuff

It's tooooo hot and I'm in a bit of a flump, so when I read Megan's diary and found a survey there, I thought I would put my answers in my diary to amuse myself :) Then if Arthur is still asleep after I'm done maybe I'll write a bit of normal stuff.

1. What is your full name now? Alice Victoria Surname (no, that is not my surname, heh)
2. What color pants are you wearing? Uhm, it's hot. Nuff said!
3. What are you listening to right now? The sound of the fan in the bedroom where Arthur is sleeping.
4. What was the last thing you ate? Honey nut cheerios and semi-skimmed organic milk :)
5. Do you wish on stars? Nope. I pray to God instead. But I think I did wish on a star once at Disneyland when I was 15! Best place to do it! :)
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Ohhh this type of question is so hard!! I don't know. But for some reason I think rust red.
7. How is the weather right now?Hot and sunny (88 degrees so far today!) and humid and sticky. Blech.
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Mummy, this morning.
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Nobody actually sent it to me, I read it in a diary, but I love Megan :)
10. How old are you today? 29 years and 5 months. Nearly.
11. Favorite drink? I'm a water girl. But lately with the heat, my current favourite is Volvic's hint of fruit still water with lemon and lime.
12. Favorite sport? Not really a sport fan, but I guess I love watching tennis, but only at Wimbledon. If you're talking DOING a sport, then ice-skating, without a doubt.
13. Hair color? Brown. Why does that sound so much duller than it is?! I like my hair colour :)
14. Siblings? One younger brother (by 2 years, 10 months), Bennie.
15. Favorite food? Ummm.... Roast dinner probably. Winter one though, like roast beef and Yorkshire puddings and all the trimmings. Or roast lamb. Has to have roast parsnips with it. My mouth is watering.
16. What was the last movie you watched? Shrek 2, last night! Soooo funny!
17. Favorite day of the year? I don't think I have one. I guess Christmas Day or my birthday, but they are only favourites depending on what happens on the actual day! Maybe November 9th will become a favourite, since it was the day Arthur was born?
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Emma, my teddy. I was still sleeping with her after I was MARRIED, hehe! And she went everywhere with me. I don't know where she is right now. In the bedroom somewhere I think. Poor neglected Emma...
19. Summer or winter? Winter, definitely!
20. Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
21. Chocolate or Vanilla? Oooh both!! For ice-cream though, I like vanilla better. But I'm a chocoholic in any other capacity!
22. Do you want your friends to respond with their answers? I like to see other people's replies to the same questions, but I guess it would be easier done in emails or in their own diary entries than here in my guestbook. So I don't mind :)
23. Who is most likely to respond? Oooh, I don't know. Jemma?!
24. Who is least likely to respond? Hmmm, don't know that either. Anyone and everyone probably!
25. Living arrangements? Little two-bedroom terraced house with my husband and baby boy.
26. When was the last time you cried? Friday, 6 days ago.
27. What is under your bed? Thick dust!! And two huge under-bed drawers full of books that we never unpacked properly when we moved here (nearly 4 years ago!!!). And old shoes of Neil's. And some other stuff that has fallen down the side probably.
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest? My mummy. She is my best friend.
29. What did you do last night? Emailed Julie and Jemma. Phoned my school friend Michelle, to give her directions to come and visit us tomorrow!! Yay! And watched Shrek 2.
30. Favorite smell? Rain. Parma violet sweets. Arthur. Who is awake now, so I will have to finish this a bit later!

Back again! Not for long though, as it's a few hours later and Arthur is already looking bored watching me write this! Okay, where was I?

31. Favorite tv show? Neighbours, The Lenny Henry Show, any baby or birth related documentary.
32. Happy In life? Generally very very happy, yes! I have my blips, but Arthur is such a joy, and God is so good, that I am nearly always happy! :)
33. What are you afraid of? Being sick. Other people being sick. Other people feeling sick. Other people knowing someone who knew someone who was feeling sick last week. Etc. I am afraid of a lot of things. I hate that, but it would take a whole diary entry to really talk about them all, so that is all I will say for this answer.
34. Plain, buttered or salted popcorn? Uhm, none of the above, I think. I prefer sugar on my popcorn, or even that slightly sickly toffee coated stuff! But then again, I only eat popcorn like once every 2 years or something!
35. Favorite car? I currently LOVE our Citroen C5. It's sooooo comfy and quiet and looks fab :) I heart my Citroen!
36. Favorite Flower? I LOVE flowers. My particular favourites are freesias and roses, for their scent. I am an old romantic so I prefer red roses, or white ones. I had both in my wedding bouquet :)
37. Number of keys on your key ring? Which key ring? House key ring has two on, and the car key ring has two also. I know, I know, I should combine them and be more organised!
38. How many years at your current job? Hard to define really! I have been a Mummy for 8 months and 5 days. I have been out of work or study for almost 5 years and 5 months, but that was because I became housebound with illness. When I got better (healed!), I stayed home. I don't know when I would say I took on the "job" of being a housewife/homemaker. I feel like I never really did too well at that so maybe never. Maybe I am "currently without occupation"? Except of course for being a SAHM!!
39. Favorite day of the week? Friday. Neil is home for the weekend on Friday and I feel relieved about that! :)
40. What did you do on your last birthday? Went to France with Neil and Arthur to visit my parents! I can't think of a better treat :)
41. How many cities have you lived in? Just London!
42. Do you make friends easily? I don't think so. I am too shy and increasingly unsociable these days. I used to though.
43. How many people will you be sending this to? Nobody!

Yay, all done! Took another mini break there because Arthur got antsy and I put him down for another nap, so that's where he is for now.

Arthur is driving me crazy today. I guess that's the first time I have ever written that, and I'm sure there will be more occasions like it, but I feel sad to write it when everybody else seems to be blissfully enjoying every second with their little ones. He is driving me craaazy. It isn't his fault of course. It's the poxy beepity hot humid weather. He hates it so much, and so do I, so I guess I have less patience than normal anyway. Also he is teething something awful. I still find it so annoying and frustrating that he has had soooo much awful discomfort and pain since ELEVEN weeks old, and here he is eight months old and not one tooth to show for it! It isn't fair. BUT! Finally I think his first toothie is coming. The past two nights he has woken sooooo frequently. Unfortunately for me that has coincided with Neil being unwell and sleeping in another room to get some extra rest, so I am just knackered at the moment. Knackered. Like last night, he woke FIVE times between 10pm and 11.20pm. Each time he was properly asleep when I left him, but he just kept on waking and crying. He has taken to staying awake for over an hour in the night, once from around midnight to about 1.30, and the other time from about 1.30 to 3ish. He isn't happily awake either. He screeches and wriggles and rolls and moans and kicks and so on. Last night we couldn't tell if he was being bothered by his teeth, so we gave him teething powder and then Bonjela, and still he was really screechy and annoyed about something. We gave him Calpol in the end and he was much better after that.

This morning he was absolutely inconsolable by 9am. His screeching is driving me up the wall! He takes a deeeeep breath, then using all his might, he forces out a cross between the loudest shout he can muster and the highest pitched shriek he can reach. It makes my ears buzz and distort and actually HURT. He does them one after the other after the other after the other. It's as thought he's super angry and letting us know, it's not like an odd type of cry or anything. Neil and I can't communicate with each other at all for the noise, and I can't think straight. After two or three screeches, I admit I just want to scream back at him with all MY might, and walk out of the room, slamming the door behind me!


Anyway we had to go out to the baby clinic for his 8-month hearing test this morning, and he wouldn't sleep before then so he had to wait till almost noon for his first nap. I caved in and gave him Calpol AGAIN this morning, and he has had another dose just now. He just gnaws things with the most pitiful moaning sounds, and then cries without any apparent cause. I phoned my mum this morning and she said give him some Calpol, since it worked so well in the night, so his issues are probably painful. So I did, and it did make him a LOT better.

After his nap, when he smiled at me I could see a white patch on his bottom gum in the middle, over the left tooth, as though the gum is under pressure and the blood has been forced out of the way. A-ha! Anyway this afternoon he has been pretty good and played naked on the plastic thingy with a blanket on top. He is just so sweaty and sticky today that it's hard to hold him right without hurting him.

I fed him a new food today, a Heinz fruit thing of nectarine, mango and banana. He hasn't had citrus before, and the books say it's a high risk for allergy, so I'm interested to see how he goes. He made lots of faces and gaggy sounds, but took a good couple of teaspoonfuls in very tiny bits. After that I soaked a terry nappy with cold water from the tap, and we played peekaboo (a game he LOVES!), where I chucked the towel over him and he pulled it down to see me with big smiles! This cooled him down wonderfully. He did lots of gasping when the towel went over him, poor love! Hehe, mean Mummy! But he seems to love being shocked by anything, even coldness. He loves to be made to jump by a sudden loud noise (makes him giggle), and for months he has loved it when I pretend to drop him. He seems to be emerging as a real rough-and-tumble boy! His favourite game with me is affectionately known as "Ruff", where he lies on his back (preferably without clothes) and I transform into a doggy that keeps making sudden "Ruff!.... Ruff!.... RUFF!" sounds (each one louder and more full of anticipation than the previous one). Each sound makes his eyes shine and he smiles so big! It means that any moment now, Ruff the doggy is about to have a mad moment and suddenly ruffruffruffruffruffruff without stopping at the same time as eating Arthur alive, starting at the ribs and neck and tummy! Ruff is so scary that these days the game involves pinning Arthur's arms to the bed a second before the manic stuff begins, so that he just has to squirm and shriek with laughter and scrunch his chin into his neck in an effort to protect himself! Haha! But he LOVES Ruff. It's his favourite thing ever. He laughs soooo much, and is always breathless and shiny-eyed afterwards :) My lovely boy.

But this afternoon he wouldn't nap, even though he was tired out. He just rolled and rocked on his hands and knees on the bed, and cried and screeched, etc, etc. He was biting his fists so hard that his head shook with the effort, so I gave him more Calpol. He was fussy for maybe 15 minutes longer and now he is asleep at last. Hopefully he'll have at least 30 minutes and be feeling fresher and happier when he wakes.

Neil is starting to feel better, and he's back at work today. So far Arthur and I don't seem to have caught his cold, thank goodness!

Tomorrow my friend from school, Michelle, is coming to see us with her new husband! We went to her wedding in late September when I was 8 months pregnant! I know they have been trying for a baby now for a while, so I wonder if she will have any news for me? If not, I hope she will feel able to talk to me about it if she wants. I know it is so hard to wait.

Arthur's hearing test went well! He heard all the sounds across the frequencies and turned to see where they were coming from, so he passed with flying colours. But I have to say, I wasn't worried in the least! He is soooo hard to creep away from when he is finally asleep, as he seems to hear every tiny little creak of the floor! We were given a bag of books which is part of the initiative to encourage parents to read with their babies. I haven't looked at them yet, but I'm excited that he has more books! He seems to love books, although he does still want to chew them, but he's getting more interested in the pictures and stuff now. I don't know if he's that interested in what I'm reading to him because he doesn't appear to be paying much attention! But I read to him quite a lot.

He's awake suddenly and crying so I'll go. Back another time.

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