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2007-12-15 - 2.00am previous entry next entry

More tomorrow....

Shannon, I just love you!! :)

It's soooo late and I have been writing an entry (just for Shannon, hehe!) for a long time, but then Matthew woke up and he's still awake, so I will have to close this down and go to bed. I don't know what is up with him - he had a night like this earlier in the week too. ALL other nights he is now sleeping throooough!!! Yay Matthew! But anyway. It's 2am and he's been awake like an hour - quiet and lying down but not wanting me to be far from him, sort of thing. He is teething right now, but that can't be it, if he's all quiet and wide awake, surely? Anyway. Must go to bed. I was writing my diary entry on Word and it was already SUPER long so really I can just add a bit to the end tomorrow and copy/paste it in! Yay! There's a LOT about home-schooling in it. More than I intended - you know how I am with writing here! ;) And some other stuff - Matthew is 18 months old today! More on that in the copied/pasted entry tomorrow (which I WILL try to get done).

Night night :)

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