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2007-04-28 - 1.07am previous entry next entry

Computer annoyances!

Ugh. Our computer broke. Well, more specifically, our monitor broke. It started doing this annoying thing where it would go black after TWO SECONDS of being on, and the only way to get the screen back on was to press the monitor on/off button. Then I could see the screen again for precisely 2 seconds before it went black. And so I�d press the on/off button again, and get another 2 seconds, etc. It wasn�t a screen saver issue, it was just the monitor. How annoying though! Two seconds isn�t enough to see a THING, and I soooo wanted to update my diaries here! I am missing all my favourite places � people�s diaries and some forums and stuff. I actually have got rather behind in diaries lately though. I haven�t had chance to read much in more than a week or two! I must catch up before I get toooo behind! I also desperately wanted to update my Fertility Friend chart, since I�m charting-obsessed, hehe! It was driving me crazy, until a couple of days ago I went on and just literally pressed the monitor button again and again, until I had managed to put a few days� temps and basic stats on. Two seconds wasn�t even enough to get the cursor to anything I wanted to click on � almost, but not quite enough. So I just persevered. I moved it most of the way, and then switched the black screen back on, and then the rest of the way and clicked, and then put the screen back on to see where I was at, before trying the same thing again! Sooooooo frustrating!

Anyway. We have temporarily moved the computer downstairs (yay for Matthew finally getting his bedroom back while he sleeps, poor love!) because my husband had the presence of mind when we bought our TV a few years ago, to choose one that has a port for a PC, so it can be used as a PC monitor! Yay! So here I am sitting rather awkwardly on the sofa, not feeling that comfortable, and looking wayyy off to the right (which is going to cause all sorts of problems with my neck), but at least I�m heeeere!! Neil bought a Broadband extension cable on the way home from work, so we could get internet access, but of course it�s a faulty one. Yep. No dial tone whatsoever, no matter what we do, even on our phone. Grrrr! It�s 10.30pm and he�s at Tesco right now, hoping they�ll sell one! The other one was from Homebase and that�s closed now. We got a new laptop this month because Neil has been working at his company for TEN YEARS (!!) and so he got �500 worth of vouchers as a reward! :) He could have chosen one of many places to get them made out to, but we decided we wanted to have a laptop as a second PC and so that we weren�t in Matthew�s sleeping space all the time using the computer. So he had them made out to PC World and now we have a laptop! We had to spend a little bit more than the vouchers to get one worth having, and even so, the graphics on my Sims games aren�t nearly as good as on our computer, but yaaaaaay, we have a laptop!!! Neil has a router to get the two networked together, so we can get internet access on both. But he needed to use the computer to set it up, so that�s why we�ve brought it down here. Once the laptop is set up with the internet, that will be where I write my diary entries, and I�m soooooo excited!!! I can write anywhere in the house, and that feels so freeing :)

Anyway. I thought I might as well start typing a diary entry in Word while we don�t have internet access, so that�s what I�m doing! Hopefully I�ll be able to post the entry at my diary soon.

The little boys are doing fine! How I love them, love them, love them!!! I will have to put photos in another entry, because I can�t figure that out at the moment, but I must get some up soon. Arthur is talking incredibly - I have a million and one examples to write in my diary, but I am just boggling at the increasing complexity of his sentences! His improvements in talking stopped being about vocabulary quite a while back now, and he just amazes me with his use of context and emotion and humour and so on, in his speech. He just totally gets everything. Everything. I do have soooo many little phrases that I�ve been jotting down now and then as he says them, but I want to write those another time when I have more time for a proper diary entry. Just one though! Yesterday he was crawling around the living room, pretending to be a car that was looking for a car park to park in, and I was sitting on the floor making piles of clean laundry to put away. I put a big pile of towels next to me, and when Arthur crawled up to them he stopped suddenly and said, �Oh!� as though the pile was stopping him playing his game. Then he said to me, clear as day, �Mummy, can you please move the pile so that I can get in the car park?� Where�s one of those boggly-eyed smileys?!!

Oooh, Neil just pulled up outside!...

Bah, stupid Tesco! They DO have them, but wouldn�t you know it?! The section with the PC related stuff was cordoned off because fork-lift trucks were randomly going backwards and forwards past it and it therefore wasn�t safe!!! How unlikely is that?!!! Urrrrrrrrgh!!! Poor Neil � a totally wasted journey. Pfthth. I will take the stupid faulty one back to Homebase tomorrow and nooobody had better mess with me! Tsk.

Okay, I�m going to put this aside for tonight, even though I haven�t written much, because if the internet isn�t going to work and I�m uncomfy sitting at this angle, then I might as well switch off for now and play The Sims on the laptop! I�ll probably post this as an entry just as it is, tomorrow when we (hopefully) get our internet access back again. And then I�ll do a proper entry asap after that. I reeeally want to update my pregnancy diary next though (not that I�m pregnant yet, don�t worry!).

[ETA: Posting now (1am, yikes!) as we figured out it was a cable, not the extension line, and now we can get online, yay!}

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