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2005-09-03 - 12.40pm previous entry next entry

A visit to see Jemma and Jaya! :)

Thank you so much for the notes and messages about the sleep issues! Bobbie, I couldn't find a place to leave you a note/message, but I wanted to say thank you so much for the lovely long note with all the helpful advice in it :)

At the moment, Arthur is still waking a lot at night. Last night I slept right next to him all night (sometimes I am in and out, depending on how easy I am finding it to get back to sleep) and he slept much more peacefully. He slept CRAZY long naps yesterday, and it was so out of character for him that I worried that he might be coming down with something. But he seems fine today so maybe he's just tired. Or growing. Or something. Or it could be the weather. I was so exhausted yesterday that I went to bed with him in the afternoon and just wafted in and out of sleep while he crawled around and pulled up on me!!!! I am NOT an easy sleeper so that is really unusual for me. I got all worried that we BOTH were coming down with something, but for some reason we were just both extremely tired out. Arthur had a 2.5 hour nap in the morning, and an hour in the afternoon, once he had finished crawling around everywhere for an hour! We missed his tea, but we were just too tired to stay awake. Yesterday evening I feel gross and weak and exhausted, and the BAGS under my eyes... yeurgh, they nearly reached my chin!!! Hehe! I don't know what it was. Arthur was asleep by about 8pm last night because of his late nap, and woke at 9ish, 1.30ish, 4.45ish, and then 6.30, but we dozed back off until 7am. I nursed him all of those times. He gets hysterical if I don't these days. I am happy to though :) So that was a MUCH better night than normal. Usually he wakes once during the evening, once at our bedtime, and then midnight, 2ish, 4ish, and up for the day at around 6am. Last night rocked in comparison! But I am tired tired tired. Neil took him to the supermarket around 8am and I didn't even know they were gone! I slept till 9.45 which was soooo nice. I did wake twice in that time because it just felt weird to be sleeping. How crazy!

Anyway, the weather is hot and muggy and it makes my face feel puffy and my head feel sleepy. Yuck. I know those lovely crispy autumn days are soooo close now that it's September, and I can't WAIT!!! I love cold weather. Hot weather is just hard work. Bleh.

We went to spend the afternoon with Jemma and Jaya on Thursday!! It was so much fun, we had a lovely time. We met them before at Jaya's birthday party, but this was the first time we were able to spend time with just them and get to know them a bit better. It was so sweet watching Arthur and Jaya together. Arthur took a while to adjust to the new surroundings (as always), and just sat there motionless with his jaw hanging down! Hehe! Jaya is soooo sociable! She went right up to Arthur and made lots of attempts to socialise with him, picking up his monkey and touching him and looking him right in the eye, etc. She is such a sweetie. She walks so well now, it looks quite strange to see her walking unaided! I find myself wondering what is holding her up!! I know that's how it will be with Arthur when he walks. It's just such a strange thing when they first walk on their own two leggies.

Jemma was cooking us lunch, and Jaya showed me the stairs, the rechargable batteries plugged into a socket, and brought me BOTH remote controls from the living room, one after the other!! All this time, Arthur was just sitting with his jaw hanging, bless him! He did eventually warm up and crawl over to watch Jaya on the stairs. Funnily enough, since we got back from their house, Arthur has been crawling straight up to the stairs in our house and climbing very confidently onto the first step! He is also feeding himself better with his fingers, another thing he watched Jaya doing on Thursday. What a great role model Jaya has been! :)

I can't believe I only took ONE photo while we were there! I think Jemma took more, but I can't remember. Here's the one I took - at first I thought it was a shame because it wasn't the best photo of them, but actually the more I look at it, the funnier it seems! It needs a trashy newspaper caption like, "Man tamed into a trance by wild woman with whip!" hahahaha!! ;) Jaya had taken the safety strap from the outdoor swing and was brandishing it gleefully and swinging it around, while Arthur seemed to just sit there in awe of her! Anyway, here's the photo:

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Jemma made us a GORGEOUS lunch, and Arthur sat in Jaya's wheely thing with a tray, and shoved his feet a bit to wheel himself around while he ate a WHOLE banana (except for a few bits strewn around the floor!), and some little bits of chicken and peas from our meal. I took my doppler and we heard Jemma's baby's heartbeat with it after I failed to get Arthur to take his afternoon nap in Jaya's room! It was soooo exciting!!! It made me feel quite misty-eyed and sort of long to experience that again for myself. I know I will though, one day. Maybe even soon? I lent Jemma the doppler for a while so she can use it whenever she wants. I don't need it yet, after all. But I'll ask for it back when I do :)

We went for a walk after that, as Jemma was feeling yucky. Jaya went to sleep and Arthur got progressively more and more cranky and annoyed, till I was carrying his hefty butt AND pushing the pushchair. In the muggy warm weather. Yeurgh. We went to the local playground and I put Arthur on a swing, but he got cross. He had only had half an hour's nap at around 9.30/10am that day, so by then it was 4pm ish and he was super tired and cranky. But it was just too interesting and exciting at their house for him to fall asleep!

Arthur had tea when we got back, and Jaya slept on for a while, so Arthur used her highchair. I couldn't believe it was 5.45pm when I realised we should be going home!!! Arthur's bedtime routine starts at 6pm with his bath!!!! Yikes! We were home by about 6.15 though, and Arthur was asleep within the first 5 minutes of the car journey. He was too sleepy for his bath and we just put him to bed in a night nappy.

So I hope we will meet up with Jemma and Jaya again! We had a lovely time :)

Arthur is waking from his nap so I should go. He has slept over lunchtime today as he wouldn't take a morning nap, and he's had about an hour and a half now. I will post again asap with the other photos I meant to include, and some more stuff about Arthur.

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