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2006-10-15 - 10.56pm previous entry next entry


My lil man feels BETTER!!! Yaaaaaaaay!

Being suspicious of his first taste of food since his yucky bug:

Feeling better!!!...

Mummy and Arthur being all happy again (Mummy is the one with the serious need for a hair-wash, and Arthur is the one with the extremely cute cheeks):

Arthur did have a couple of dodgy nappies yesterday so we have had him on the BRAT diet again for the first half of today, and are considering him potentially infectious still till tomorrow. After that if none of the rest of us have become ill by 2 days later, I will relax and breathe easy again! Of course, by that time, we'll be back at playgroup and I hear there are lots of tummy lurgies around at the moment (oh joy) so I guess I won't be breathing easy for very long. Oh well. I am NOT thrilled about going back to playgroups. I am just knackered beyond knackeredness and I know that I'm just walking into germs like walking into a cloud of rain and hoping not to get wet! Urgh. I sooooo don't need to get any sort of illness right now. Neither do the boys really, or Neil. Or any of us.

I am feeling kind of down this evening, I don't know why. Probably a bad time to write a diary entry then, but here I am anyway. It's 10.40pm already and we haven't eaten dinner yet. Arthur was a nightmare to put to bed tonight and Neil was sitting there till 9.15 - urrrgh! That's almost 2 hours. Which is just stupid/crazy/exasperating. Then we had the big "finances" talk that we've been meaning to have over the weekend at some point, swiftly followed by the "what the heck are we going to do about ____ (insert one of fifty million issues here)" discussion. Soooo depressing. Or deflating. That's a better word.

The house is so so so so incredibly bad at the moment. This morning I almost wanted to take photos to put here so that you can REALLY see what I'm talking about. There is no floor to walk on. Arthur stumbles all over the place, walking on crap that is lying around. The kitchen floor is wall-to-wall laundry, who knows which is dirty or clean, it is all just a mass of scrunched up clothes and towels and nappies and bedlinen, etc. I kid you not. I stand on clean/dirty clothes to wash my hands at the kitchen sink, which by the way I have to do over stuff that's sticking out several inches above the brim of the sink, just dumped in there. Clean, dirty, who knows? There is no surface space to put anything down in the kitchen, and I do mean NO surface space. You can't even shove things aside to put a glass of water down, it's that full of crap. There are chopping boards balanced on the GAS HOB, and stuff piled on those. Trays on the toaster, a makeshift "surface" made from a chopping board balanced on a stack of dirty dishes on the overcrowded surface. The table is covered with the same. Even the space on the corner of the dresser is occupied by unwashed clutter. I HATE our kitchen right now.

This is the state of the whole house. The living room is a little better in that it's the room we all live in all day, so for safety's sake, we HAVE to maintain the toys on the floor a bit. But it's still littered with clean and dirty clothes and nappies, and changing mats, and clean and dirty tissues and endless toys, and I can't think what else. We have an armchair, a two-seater sofa, and a 3-seater sofa in there. The armchair and the 2-seater are piled TWICE their own height with junk, mostly clothes (pretty sure they are clean though, at least). The stairs are wedged with piles of clothing. I have to admit, it's been many months since I have had to go upstairs to a wardrobe or chest of drawers to find an item of clothing. Laundry never makes it past piles on the stairs and that's where we choose clothes from each day to dress ourselves and the boys.

Anyway, it sucks. I am FED UP with it. There are lots and lots of other little bits and pieces, like the horrific unhygeinic state of the bathroom and stuff, and the fact that we can't close any doors upstairs (except the bathroom door) because we never finished hanging them so they have no latches and don't quite fit their door frames. Everything is constantly held up by the awful state of the place, like routines with the children, bedtime solutions, etc. Poor Arthur is nagged for pulling at stuff that isn't suitably put out of his reach, and the worst thing is, it's TOOOOO much to ever fix now that it's got this bad. Neil keeps saying about taking holiday time from work again to fix the state of the house, but I am completely unwilling. He just did that - a whole week for the darn garden, and there is still a skip (being paid for by us) on the driveway, and a half-finished garden out the back, which he now has absolutely no time to finish. Plus, I got zero rest that week as a result so I am in even further debt.

Urrrrrgh. Anyway, moan moan moan. I will stop now. I am just so happy that Arthur is feeling better. The rest I will try to put out of my head for another day and see what comes tomorrow. Matthew stirs (oddly early) so I must go. Will update again soon - hopefully more cheerfully! :)

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