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2008-06-21 - 11.49pm previous entry next entry

Matthew's 2nd Birthday! (Part 1)

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes for my little man! Matthew is TWO! I can't believe he's 2. Well, it's sinking in pretty well now :) I love that he is two! I love hearing myself say, "They're three and two..." when someone asks me how old the two older boys are.

He had a GREAT birthday, and it was a wonderful day - I'm so happy with how it went! :)

I have toooo many photos. We did go to the farm (obviously tons of photos and a couple of video clips from that!) but first came the morning and the opening of most of his presents. Sooo, this entry will start with the presents - sorry if these are kind of samey or dull to anyone. I want them on record in my diary! :)

We wrapped everything up the night before, and left the smaller packages and birthday cards on top of the wrapped up sand and water table in the living room:

Here are the boys first thing in the morning on Matthew's birthday - Arthur was WAY more excited about Matthew's birthday than Matthew was, and he had been brimming with excitement for a couple of WEEKS waiting for it, lol!

LOVE this next photo of Matthew! This is one of all three boys with Neil just before Matthew started opening presents in the morning - Nathan and I had just come downstairs. It's not the best of everyone else, but it's wonderful of Matthew and so I love it.

The first present Matthew opened was a �2 Thomas the Tank Engine book about James, that I picked up at Tesco! He didn't want to open any more presents for AGES - he just loved the book and took himself off to have a good look at it - please note in the first picture our new toddler-sized red table and chairs that were excitingly FREE as I've started using our local Freecycle!!!! I'm so excited about that table and chairs and the boys love it and use it many times each day. Free, people! And did I mention that it was FREE?!?! :D Anyway, back to the birthday photos!... Just noticed that Arthur has some serious bed-head going on in the third photo, hehe!

Next up was the toy tractor we got him, which Arthur ADORES! He got so frustrated with how SLOWLY Matthew wanted to open his presents, and how he couldn't really help him do it. Matthew didn't want Arthur doing it for him, and we didn't want to let Arthur do too much of Matthew's present-opening either. It's hard on a 3-year-old! Poor boy. He also had to wait till Matthew had examined his new things before he could hold or play with them, which was never THAT long, but must have seemed an eternity to him! Here's Matthew with the tractor (not a great photo, but oh well), and Arthur delighted that it's his turn, hehe!

Starting to open one of his tractor books (he has loved those, by the way!). I think this one was "Tremendous Tractors" (great book!):

Arthur being allowed to help "start him off" with a present that was a little bit too well taped!



At that point, cars were DEFINITELY his very favourite present so far! He was so excited - he couldn't wait for me to get the box off so he could take them out of the plastic moulding and lay them out on the table. He kept just clenching his fists till they shook with excited tension, as he lined his new cars up! Arthur so so so wanted to lay his hands on those new cars as well - cars being his passion - but he did have to wait again. He did a lot of whining and shed a few tears, and hopped up and down a lot, and repeatedly asked Matthew if he could join in yet, etc. Poor Arthur! Matthew was so wrapped up in his cars that he couldn't stand for anyone to get near him for a while, or his cars either. Once he had lined them up and gazed at them and re-lined them, and gazed at them some more, he was willing to give one or two to Arthur. And when he remembered his James book and went off to look at it again, Arthur sank blissfully in front of the cars and lined them up his OWN way, hehe!

Well, the next set of photos is all about the trip to the farm. We got ourselves ready right after opening presents, and set off mid-morning. We had a GREAT time! It's the same farm we went to for Arthur's second birthday, and Arthur was SO much more ready for a trip to the farm than he was at age two. He had none of the anxieties (big animals up close, etc) that he had when he was Matthew's age. Matthew was a little anxious about noises (the hand-dryer in particular, where all the hand washing takes place - ohhhh he was snot-streamingly hysterical for ages over that hand-dryer! Poor love!), and also about the animals close up, but didn't find it overwhelming or anything. Arthur just love love loved the whole thing! I have a million photos, and some video clips too, which I'll post next entry (tomorrow evening?? The next day?? Hopefully soon!).

Here's the link to the entry I wrote after Arthur's second birthday, if you're interested to see us at the farm before I post pics from this time round! :)

It's sooooo late. I have to go to bed!

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