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2007-07-16 - 10:09 p.m. previous entry next entry

Arthur too :(

Matthew is fine - today (Monday) is three days since he threw up so today I can kiss him all over again!!! I've SO enjoyed it, until 5.30 this afternoon when Arthur went all quiet and then threw up on the sofa :( As far as I know, Matthew has been infectious these past few days so it's not unexpected for Arthur to come down with it today, and because Matthew has been poorly/infectious, we haven't been anywhere (Neil took Arthur to the park a couple of times for a walk though).

But is this really the same bug as Matthew had? Matthew barely woke to throw up, and then went back to sleep, and didn't throw up again. He wasn't himself the next day but was eagerly having breastmilk by the evening (less eager in the am). It's now 10.10pm and Arthur has just been sick for the sixth (seventh??) time. He has nothing left to bring up, and he is sooooo poorly with it. He's pale and lethargic, and isn't taking fluids much so he is looking dehydrated. Any sips of water he takes get brought up again. It's SO different from Matthew. Can it still be the same bug, just experienced to SUCH different degrees by two different children? Matthew DOES get things mildly (so far) and he licks the floors wherever we go, which everyone tells me must do wonders for his immune system! He's been doing that DAILY since before he could crawl.

I feel so so bad for Arthur. He is now frightened to be sick almost as bad as I was at his age. My heart is BREAKING because of how awful I know it feels to be that terrified. I try to say all the right things, things that helped me the most when it was me in his shoes. Next time he's sick (hopefully he won't be though) I am NOT producing a bowl. He has been SO good, always being sick in the bowl. But now he's so scared to be sick that the presence of the bowl terrifies him. I don't care about laundry, I care much more about his feelings. So it's towels next time, I think. Poor poor lambie love. I hope he gets better soon. He went to bed at normal time, whimpering that he wanted to go to bed. He didn't have breastmilk, just went to sleep with me patting his back. But he woke after an hour and was sick, and has stirred awake a lot.

His mouth is dry and he isn't comfy. His tummy hurts him. I am not sure what to do. We don't have dioralyte (pedialyte) in the house and we just want to stay with him right now instead of one of us leaving to find some. Breastmilk is as good as that stuff, if not better, but I'm afraid to give him too much at once like the gastroenteritis situation in September, and MAKE him sick from that. But he needs fluids. I'm so worried. I hope it goes away this time, instead of staying A WEEK. If it's Matthew's bug, it surely will, overnight. But do you think it can't be the same bug, with how much worse it is? I'm scared if it's a different once because I figured Matthew has had it so he's sharing the breast with Arthur. And thus well exposed to this nasty one already, if it IS one he hasn't had. Oh help! I wish I knew the answers!

I will check messages later in case anyone has good advice. I wanted to write a normal entry here tonight, and a pregnancy update for 10 weeks, but I don't think I'll get those done tonight somehow. Maybe in a couple of days when everything is settling. And PLEASE please pray that Neil and I don't get this bug. It looks HORRIBLE. I'm scared all over again, because now we re-start the whole "quarantine" period with the hand-washing and the non-kissing for Arthur :( I wish it would all just GO AWAY! Darn poxy playgroup last poxy week. And we have to miss v. expensive Tumble Tots tomorrow. *sigh*

Sorry for another down entry :(

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