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2007-02-14 - 11.31pm previous entry next entry

Eight months old, and toothie number 2...

It's Valentine's Day, but it's NOT a big deal here. I mean, it's a thing that people do but not overly much I think. It's not a kid-related holiday here, or at least it never used to be when I was little. I don't know about these days (oh I'm so old, hehe!). Neil and I have never made a big thing of it, ourselves. We even said yesterday how we wouldn't do anything this year - no cards or anything. It just doesn't seem like it's worth the fuss (or the money, for that matter!), for us, anyway. But my sweet husband came home from work with a MASSIVE bouquet of flowers all the same :) He spoils me, and he really shouldn't! But I do love getting flowers! I wish he wouldn't buy into the commercial-ness of Valentine's Day though. I love flowers any time of the year and I don't mind a bit if it's not on Valentine's Day! He's such a sweet man :)

The flowers he got me are red roses, white roses, red and yellow freesias, and some other red flowers that I don't know the names for. And some gypsophila. All but the red flowers that I don't know the names for were in my wedding bouquet - except the freesias were white in that. It's so sweet of him to always remember my favourite flowers when he buys them for me! *sigh* I'm so blessed to be his wife.

More important (to me, anyway!) things about today are:

Matthew is 8 months old today!!!!! I can't believe my baby is two-thirds of the way through his first year already. Boo-hoo! It seems to be just slipping away toooo fast. I am just amazed when I look at him, that he's actually EIGHT months old. He seems way too tiny for that big number of months, but then I'm used to a toddler as well now. I'm sure when Arthur was 8 months it had taken FOREVER for those 8 months to pass, and he was like twice the size of Matthew, hehe! Which was probably near-enough true ;) I need to get Matthew weighed and measured. It's been 2 months now, and I'm curious, if nothing else. If I remember, perhaps I'll take him to the drop-in clinic on Friday? I avoided them the last time, because they were stressing me about his weight dropping on the percentile chart, and pressing me to start solids. Well, now that he's started solids, I have no reason to worry too much about his weight. If it's dropping still, then oh well. He's perfectly healthy. I mean, it's obvious! He LOOKS healthy and is very happy. He is crawling and pulling up and starting to cruise, and all before 8 months of age, so he's certainly meeting milestones fine. So I think I'll take him to the drop-in clinic this time. It's every Friday and I don't have to make an appt so that suits me better.

Matthew cut his second tooth yesterday, yay! It's the other bottom middley. Thank goodness he hasn't had that awful trouble he had before cutting the first tooth, but he HAS been fairly miserable and needed Calpol a couple of days running. He can really nip me now with that first one - it's peeking up nice and white and clear from his gum now, but still only a few millimetres of toothie! I can't imagine him with a toothie grin, just like I could never imagine Arthur with one. NOW I can't imagine Arthur without a toothie grin - it's one of his defining features! ;)

Talking of which, here is my monkey boy being thrilled at me discovering him wearing my new jumper (Gap, but SUPER cheap at eBay again - woohoo!) - he had put it on himself and was excitedly whipping the sleeves around and around where they hung miles over the tips of his fingers!

His hair must must MUST be cut!! I just keep not getting around to it, and meanwhile it grows longer and lonnnnger. If he was a girl and I was doing the long hair thing, I swear it would be right down his back already! He has Neil's hair gene. Neil NEEDS a cut every 6-8 weeks. It's really shaggy beyond that, no matter how short he got it cut in the first place. Arthur also seems to have that 6-8 weeks window before it has grown a couple of inches and needs a trim. I wish I'd had hair like that when I was little! Mine took like TWO years to even start to grow out of my head like a proper little girl's haircut, and then it grew evvver so slowly for the rest of my childhood. I never had it cut (length-wise) until I was 11, and it was only 4 inches below my shoulders and rather split-ended by then! Eleven years! I think I must be making up for it as an adult though. My hair has gotten crazy long since having Matthew. I think it must have grown 8-10 inches since I had it cut just below my shoulders in the middle of my pregnancy - but it's hard to estimate. I might be way off and it's much less than 8-10 inches. It seems like a LOT, anyhow. I need it cut! Granny offered to trim it for me in a couple of weeks, so I think I'll take her up on that. It's occupying the boys while she trims it, that's the problem!

Today is also one week till my birthday. Where did that sneak up from?! I remember the day when I would be hardly able to BEAR the suspense of the time dragggging by till it finally got to February and I could start counting LESS THAN 20 DAYS till my birthday, hehe! Of course, I was 9 then, but anyway! Every year time passes faster and faster, and nothing accelerates time like having children, it seems. I thought it went faster after having one child, but it definitely doubled in speed after having two. Neil asked me what I wanted for my birthday (yesterday) and I was like, "Wha? It's my birthday?!" I'm a "birthdays are a BIG deal" kind of girl, so that's a weird thing for me to ever say!

I'm going to be 31. That seems kind of snoozy compared to Turning Thirty! like last year. Also I always prefer to be an even-numbered age (aren't I weird?!). I don't know why. I just feel more comfy with a nice soft round even number as my age.

Oh bums, it's after midnight AGAIN! I am so tired today. I feel very.... PMS-y, actually. But that is too weird, because I'm right where I shouldn't be PMS-y. I am mid-cycle and getting near a fertile time. Hmmm. Maybe it's just some weird hormones. My cycles are definitely wacky these days, but who could blame them?! Anyway. For three evenings running, I have brought that day's piece of paper with special things that Arthur has said on it (I jot them down throughout the day, otherwise I forget them) and sat at the computer meaning to write them all in a diary entry. But then boys wake or I get side-tracked online or something, and it gets too late to write. So now I have three pieces of paper in a pile by the computer, each covered on both sides with Arthur's sayings, AND I have a list on a notepad next to those with some bullet points of things I need to remember to write in a diary entry! And I've only covered a few of those in this entry, urgh. I so need to catch up. It's the first time in a while that I have let 5 days or so go where I haven't kept up with people's diaries, and I HATE that because I know from experience that it's a slippery slope to MONTHS of having no idea what is going on in my favourite online peeps' lives! I must try to catch up again before it gets out of hand! Nobody write any diary entries till I do, okay?! ;)

Arthur was conceived 3 years ago yesterday! I met my big milestone of 3 years continually pregnant, breastfeeding, or both, as of yesterday! GO ME! :)

Okay, quickly, a few photos:

Grainy and slightly blurry (and a bit odd in colour?!), but here's my cutie pie 8-month-old this afternoon:

All this standing that Matthew's doing is leading to mucho monkey behaviour, more and more of the time! I have to have eyes in the back of my head for TWO monkey boys who are able to move about under their own steam! Matthew has a new fascination with the little table by the toy unit that is home to the Yellow Pages, my address book, and the phone, which is perched on top. Methinks I need a new home for it all, but since I have not one scrap of space anywhere at the moment, it will have to stay where it is and be regularly disassembled by Matthew! He LOVES the Yellow Pages:

And this is his main aim....

It all reminds me VERY much of another (considerably chunkier!) 8-month-old monkey boy I once knew....

They both have standy-up hair! Arthur's definitely curved backwards more strongly, but Matthew's is just as standy-uppy. I am letting myself hope more and more that I will have two curly/wavy haired boys! I love Arthur's curls :) They are the same type as my Daddy's and his mum's, and I love that!

Urgh, I just got that feeling like I was being watched, and sure enough, there was Matthew silently watching me over the edge of the cot! He woke and stirred sooooo quietly that I hadn't even noticed, which is a rare thing. He BEAMED with huge bright eyes when I turned and saw him. *sigh* So now I have nursed him and he has tried to play "I'm wide awake!" games with me, and I've rocked him and nursed him some more, and he's juuust about asleep enough for me to conclude this entry. But it's after 1am. I'm soooo tired. So I have to stop, and hopefully I'll write the rest tomorrow. We'll see! :)

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