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2005-07-19 - 1.09pm previous entry next entry

First tooth!!

I am sooooo tired. I just can't get enough sleep lately. Neil is still sleeping in the spare room at night since his cold, and I sleep in the big bed with Arthur. I actually prefer it, as I love lying there next to him. I feel like I can relax better having him right by my side, and there's nothing better than dozing off watching his cute little frame so heavy and asleep next to me, and his lil side going up and down as he breathes. I love his sleepy face when he's sleeping. He is so lovely. Then it's wonderful (though sleeeeeepy!) when he wakes me up in the morning by rubbing his soft hair on my arm and then lifting his head and giving me the most lovely smile ever, or by rolling onto his front and putting his hand on my tummy :) I love this little boy.

BUT, I am so tired out. He still wakes several times a night. I am usually too out of it to check the clock so I'm not sure when he tends to wake, but he wakes for sure around midnight, and then he wakes for the day around 6am (although the last two mornings it was FIVE THIRTY!! Urrgh!), and he wakes usually once or twice in between midnight and 6am. Yeurgh. The good thing is that Neil doesn't need to get disturbed in the night anymore, as Arthur is definitely getting quicker and more efficient at settling back to sleep when he wakes. Like he will barely wake up usually - just enough to open his eyes and make whimpery noises that get crosser the slower I am getting to him! When I am sleeping next to him, the time it takes to get to him is like 2 seconds, so that is even better. But he will now nurse and roll away from me again in about 3 minutes flat, and then he seems to be instantly in a deep sleep. So that is good.

Neil still takes him when he wakes in the morning though, and I go back to sleep till Neil needs to get ready for work and go, at about 7.45 usually. So that is another good hour of sleep for me, which I am thankful for!

But I'm so so so tired. All the time.

This morning I napped with Arthur and I had no idea that any time even passed! I usually don't fall asleep nursing him, but then I did that yesterday too. He and I both went into such a deep sleep during nursing that when I came round an hour later, he still had my nipple in his mouth! Heh. Completely loosely though. Sweetie-boy.

Oh I have news. Arthur's first tooth broke through on Sunday at church!! :) All of a sudden, Neil said, "It's through!!!" and we looked, and there it was - a little white sliver of toothiness sitting above the surface of his gum! Yay! It has only come up a mm or so since then, so it's still just a tiny white line on the gum, not much to see. But people are noticing it now! They are saying, "Oooh he's got a tooth coming through!" and I say, "Yes, it's his first one, we're so excited!!" I am SO thrilled that his first tooth is finally here! My big boy! It isn't as sharp as I was expecting. I keep hearing other mothers say about the razor sharpness of those first teeth, but it's just a little hard tooth rather than a razor. I can't wait to see it grow up further and look like a real toothie! Shannon, you were right about them coming in twos - the tooth next to it is already a white bump right below the surface, and I think it will be through within the week. He is still acting like he's teething - appropriate awful poo, rashy cheeks, biting sooo hard and seeming in pain a lot. I hope it hurries up! Then maybe he will have a bit of teething peace for a while!

So that is exciting news! Long-awaited too! I will get a photo of his lil tooth when I can, but there is not much to see yet.

Talking of photos, here are a couple of Arthur finishing his (vile) broccoli and cauliflower the day after the video clips were taken:

Just because he's a sweetie and a messy one at that! :) I basically gave him a "painting" session with the rest of that food. He didn't like it and it needed using up in some way, or be thrown in the bin, so I figured I would lay towels and plastic sheeting down and strip him off and let him paint with it. He loves doing that so much!

We saw the paediatric physio yesterday. His feet are okay. The one that was doing great is starting to curl a bit again - boo! She said she wasn't unhappy with how they were doing, but it's possible that she might want to use one more full-leg plaster cast on that foot at some point. I am DESPERATE for this not to happen!!!! For one thing, he hates it so much, and for another, it's a whole different ball game now that he is older and completely on a different page developmentally. I think even a week with a leg in plaster would be an absolute nightmare for him (and me!). Please pray that his foot will straighten out. I will keep stretching it, like she showed me. I hope it improves.

She watched him standing and walking with support, and said he is really too young and too big to be walking like that yet. She said he is such a big baby that it is too much for his bones to take all his weight or try to walk at the moment. It's not ideal. I can let him stand and walk if I take most of his weight though, so I'll keep doing that. He wants to soooo much, and gets frustrated when he's just sitting or lying down! He is now trying to pull himself up when sitting next to me. He did this on the physio's arm and she said he was trying to pull-up and he would probably be doing it in no time. She said that once he is pulling himself to standing, he will probably be ready to take his weight and walk if he wants to try it. Before he can pull-up, I have to take most of his weight.

She said in her experience, big babies tend to do everything early, or everything late. She hopes that Arthur will do everything early, because walking and standing will really help correct his feet, and if he did those things late, it would have a detrimental effect on his feet, which might need more intervention :( She did say that she thinks he's going to walk early though, so that's encouraging!

This morning we went to a mother-and-baby group - well, just the last 30 minutes, because Arthur napped longer than I thought, and I'm not about to compromise his naps to get to things. He needs his sleep! I think we'll be able to attend things like this more when he's a bit older and his naps have changed a bit. It was the last one before the school summer holidays, which start this week, so the next one is in September. It was quite good. We were there in time for story-time and then singing with noisy instruments! There were two mothers and babies there that I know from church, so that was nice.

Okay I have to wind this up, as Arthur is down for a nap that I totally didn't expect him to take, being so soon after that last one! But he was so sleepy. I think he might wake any time now, as he's been down for 40 minutes-ish so far.

I just have to say (again) that I am super behind on emails and life in general. I feel kind of deflated and sensitive these days. I don't know why. Maybe it's hormones? My FF chart says I ovulated 4 days ago (in which case I could get my period any time due to my short luteal phase) but I am not convinced that I ovulated, since my temps are so weird and low. I don't know. But anyway. Maybe I'm just tired out? Or hormonal. Or something. I haven't got any oomph to get anything done, and the house is messy and I am updating my diary when I SO need to be emailing some lovely friends and stuff. I feel like I would just like to close the curtains and shut the world out, and stay inside with my lovely baby. But that wouldn't be good for my lovely baby. Or me. So....

Speaking of whom, I hear waking sounds! I will go and snuggle with my Boo for a while. Thanks for the guestbook messages, and to Jemma and Kelli for commenting on the video clips I posted last entry! I was beginning to wonder if anyone had seen them at all.

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