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2008-08-05 - 11.38pm previous entry next entry

Nathan scoots, and new diary photo!

A mid-week entry!!!! But reeeally no time for words, as such! :)

We went to Jaya's 4th birthday party on Sunday and I want to write about that! I have pics and a couple of videos - soon.

Yesterday was a great day with the boys! Today is Tuesday and I am trying not to look on Tuesdays as a not-so-great day (Tuesdays so far have been BAD days, and the only bad days at that, since Neil went back to work), and praying about it too! I don't want it to become some weird superstition for me! That would be bad bad bad.

But here we are at Tuesday, and until 3.30pm, OH it was the best day! I did great with the boys, the housework, the activities, the meals, nappies, naps, snacks, outdoor time, and discipline! And then it went soooo pear-shaped. *sigh* Even with all that loveliness for the majority of the day, the entire day still feels pretty Tuesday-ish. I was silly though, and made a chicken and vegetable pie from scratch for dinner (I did a roast dinner yesterday and that went great!), and too much craziness happened during that time - Nathan cried lots, Matthew emptied the bin and Arthur's potty of wee onto the carpet, the moment Arthur had stood up from doing it! Etc. There was headbutting and stuff to sort out. *sigh* I got frazzled and lost my temper, which I hate - my kids do not deserve a mummy being all tantrumy :( Thankfully they both forgave me and we had some nice cuddles.

Nathan is really disturbed this evening and seems to be farting a lot! The room really smells bad when he is fussing and I go in! Poor lovey. He isn't really having any solids at the moment so it can't be that.

I actually wrote this evening to post a little tiny (16 seconds!) video clip of Nathan that I took today! He's scooting much more efficiently today and yesterday, and can now take himself anywhere in the room that he wants to go, quite quickly! It's lovely to see him explore so happily - he really seems so cheerful now that he can take himself anywhere, and forwards too! :) Here he is this afternoon:

And also, I was putting some coats away in the porch this morning, and the boys were all playing in the living room on the floor. They were doing their own things, and suddenly I heard Arthur say, "Mummy, look at us!" I turned around to see the three of them lined up facing me, propped up on their little elbows looking very pleased with themselves! :) It was so cute that I RAN for the camera, hehe! I took a few pictures - two of them came out blurry, but one was so lovely that I decided to change my diary photo at the top (gasp!) and replace it with this one. It's the first one that has included Nathan! I'll post it here too, in this entry, for prosperity after I have replaced the diary photo again further down the line.

Nathan was not smiling in this photo, and he's usually sooooo smiley! He was about due for a nap, and getting a bit tired. The boys are laughing so beautifully because of my cunning ways to make them smile and look at me at the same time, hehe! I was blowing one lonnnnng raspberry the whole time I was snapping pictures, haha! Nathan still does not get this humour. The DAY he finally does, I will absolutely update my diary photo with one of all three boys giggling at my silly noises ;) For now, I'm really happy with my new diary photo!

Thank you so much for the comments on my last entry, and the encouragement! It's late now so I must go to bed. Will update again when I can.

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