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2008-08-24 - 11.56pm previous entry next entry

Jaya's 4th Birthday Party (update at last!)

Oh, I am soooooo behind!!! I can�t believe it�s been so long since I updated. Things have been so busy with the boys, with Neil at work. I have SO much to write about (ridiculously so!), that I know I will have to try to cram a few entries close together to catch up on it all (and the photos!). I have video clips too, but NOT uploaded so I don�t know if I�ll manage to get those done. They take so dadgum long to upload (dadgum = beloved new word for me - Michawn�s fault!) that I doubt I will get more than one or maybe two uploaded this weekend.

Thanks so much for the comments after my last entry about Angie�s blog. I�m so thrilled that some of you have visited after I wrote about it and found it such a blessing! I just love Angie and her family. Emma, thank you for leaving the link to MckMama�s blog - you�re right, it IS a blog I am reading already :) MckMama has three little ones (aged 3.5 and under) and another on the way. The on-the-way one is a baby boy named Stellan, who has been through heart failure even before being born. We joined them in their photo gallery project (spelling out Stellan�s name all over the world in all sorts of imaginative ways) a week or two ago:

I read toooo many blogs at the moment! It�s hard to keep up with them all, and then it leaves me no real time to update my own diary, and I do really want to! But I�m addicted to other people�s lives, haha! I have grown to love and cherish lots of random people around the world, which is lovely. And I get to pray for them, and find new friends. But it takes up a big chunk of my evenings!

So, the first thing in my last entry that I said I wanted to write about was Jaya�s 4th Birthday Party! (link is for those of you who have Jemma�s password � we�re in the slideshow a few times!) I was so excited that Jemma invited us. We rarely meet up and it�s always so lovely to see the little ones and Jemma and Stu live and in-person! They are such lovely people and have such a nice family (very good hosts at parties!). The boys enjoyed the party a lot, but Matthew did his usual thing of melting down in terrified tears at the start, and clung for a good while before he would relax. He took one look at Jemma and dissolved, when we walked in the door! He has done that every time we�ve seen them since he was a baby � poor Jemma! I know it is nothing to do with Jemma so much as the new busy situation, and she happens to be the first person who comes towards us to greet us each time! Arthur never did that when he was little, but Matthew�s just a different personality. Nathan seems to be different to Matthew too, as he went happily to Jemma for a long cuddle/walk about! I took a photo but bums, it was blurry! Especially of the wiggly blurry baby boy! But here it is anyway � see how happy he was with her?!

The weather wasn�t so good that day but we did have pretty much the only non-rainy window at the party (it started to rain just a bit but didn�t really do much in the end), which was lovely as it was mostly outside in the garden. We prayed with the boys in the car on the way there that the weather would be okay, and before bed that night, Arthur said with some surprise, �God really did answer that prayer, didn�t he?!� hehe! The boys played happily with garden toys but pretty much only with each other, not with the other kids. Jaya was mostly riding on her new bike! And Jove was busying himself about the place! It was so surreal to be there after having not seen them for a few months, and yet �seeing� them all the time at Jemma�s diary!

I went in the kitchen at one point to get a drink, and saw the birthday cake sitting on the counter. I had to run and get my camera, because a) it was so pretty!! And b) it made me giggle to see two scoopy finger marks at the edge of the cake through the thick pink icing, hehehe! I wonder whose fingers made those marks?!

I�m so thrilled to have caught two LOVELY photos of Jaya blowing out her candles after we sang Happy Birthday!!! I�m usually not in a good place for a good photo at a party, but yay, I�m so pleased with these! (note to Jemma � will email you all the pics soon!)

The cake was so yummy! The boys really enjoyed it! Here are some random photos from around the time people were eating cake outside:

Matthew on trike:

Jove with cake, Dylan running, and unfortunate kangaroo...

So sweet! Jove offers cake to Matthew (who did accept and enjoy!):

The boys also enjoyed playing for AGES in Jove�s new bedroom upstairs!

And I tried (as I always do!) to catch a photo of mine and Jemma�s (that does not sound grammatically correct somehow!) firstborn babies together, but one or both of them is ALWAYS blurred in every photo I try to take, as they are both movers! ;)

Nathan didn�t nap at all while we were there, and had a 4 hour gap between naps!!! He did great though, and was smiling and cheerful pretty much for the whole party. He fell asleep in the car on the way home though! The boys got party bags which included girly hair bands, haha! ;) Not to put anything to waste, here�s Matthew the next morning:

Poor boy, hehe! But isn�t he pretty?! ;)

Okay, it�s getting late (past midnight) and I have so so so much more to write, but I should call it a night and go to bed. I feel a bit not-so-great in my stomach tonight and I have a headache (maybe possibly pregnant? Will keep you posted about that in my pregnancy diary!), so I want to go to bed now. I�ll update again with more stuff asap though! :)

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